untrained bobs..

  • Thread starter trav523
Maybe the reason so many people's Bobs just absolutely suck in remote is that we didn't put any time into b-spec prior to remote, so they're all self-taught? My original went from 4 to 18, and the other ones all went from 0 to 15-18ish, all through remote only.

Not sure how much of the training in b-spec mode is real and how much is perceived, but if it's real, then wouldn't this explain why they refuse to overtake in remote?
Maybe the reason so many people's Bobs just absolutely suck in remote is that we didn't put any time into b-spec prior to remote, so they're all self-taught? My original went from 4 to 18, and the other ones all went from 0 to 15-18ish, all through remote only.

Not sure how much of the training in b-spec mode is real and how much is perceived, but if it's real, then wouldn't this explain why they refuse to overtake in remote?

I'm not sure what you mean..? Self-taught? It doesn't matter whether you level them up in regular b-spec or remote, the skills are purely down to their level. They "learn" just as much winning every race or losing every race, whether you give commands or not.

In remote you can't even give commands, so they can't "refuse" to overtake. Their performance in the remote race is dictated by what their "hot/cold" status is, if someone is hot on their tail or if they are driving alone in peace and quiet..
My level 0 Bob (only just got him after remote races started) finished 2nd in his third remote race. He went from 0 to level 9 without me having to do anything!
You can catapult a new bob much more drastically than any remote race from 0 to low-to-mid 20's by sticking him in a single B-spec endurance race, so I don't think that's the reason.

My observations have been that all the advantages in terms of track position and car driven even out when you run enough races and simply let the prize accumulate i.e. running about ~21 hours uninterrupted, the higher level the bob, the more money/XP they earn. There are some very slight variations, but I've definitely found this to be the trend. Somewhat surprising perhaps as the results from race to race do vary quite a bit - but in the final analysis, the b-spec level does count for something :)
Mine were all at least level 36, thanks to eleven 24 hour le man's races and getting to level 40 b-spec. All my drivers consistently place high.
In remote you can't even give commands, so they can't "refuse" to overtake. Their performance in the remote race is dictated by what their "hot/cold" status is, if someone is hot on their tail or if they are driving alone in peace and quiet..

Oversimplification and a bit of anthropomorphism, maybe, but the fact is that if I actively watch a remote race, or just check the results, my bobs NEVER finish higher than they started, and only rarely go ahead a place or two before dropping 6 or 7 places.

And it doesn't matter if I find only lower level Bobs for them to race against, or higher, or a random mix.
Oversimplification and a bit of anthropomorphism, maybe, but the fact is that if I actively watch a remote race, or just check the results, my bobs NEVER finish higher than they started, and only rarely go ahead a place or two before dropping 6 or 7 places.

And it doesn't matter if I find only lower level Bobs for them to race against, or higher, or a random mix.

What's your PSN? I could use some cannon fodder 8)