Upgrading HDD (on the same PS3) will my GT5 save transfer safely and work properly?

  • Thread starter Valkyre4
Hello guys, new member here, although i have been visiting this website for info more than 2 years, now with the full release of GT5 i decided to be more active :)

Now I have a question. I want to upgrade my HDD and I already have a 320GB 7200rpm one in my hands at the moment.

The problem is that...well...I am afraid to upgrade. I have more than 15.000.000 credits in GT5 and many dream cars in my garage, the result of many many hours of gameplay. Now I do know that if you make a full back up, supposedly even copy protected files can be transfered successfully since it is on the same PS3 with just a different HDD.

BUT!! Even in this case, some files cannot be transfered properly and will not work! The back-up feature even warns you about this, saying that some files may not work after you restore that particular backup.

So my question is... does anyone know... and I mean someone who tried this and is 100% sure of this, if upgrading my HDD and restoring a full back up, will have my GT5 save file working just fine?

Please help guys, I mean I have bought this thing and I am afraid to use it because of all this stupid protection thingy...

Thank you very much and sorry for any bad english :)
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What you need is:

2,5" SATA disc 5400 rpm (not 7200 rpm) - I used a Western Digital Scorpio 500GB
A screwdriver
An external HDD to backup your existing saves etc

Backing up files
1. Under games you will find your saved data
2. Connect your external HDD
3. Press the "triangle"
4. Choose "copy"
5. Choose target to copy to
6. Repeat until all your files are transferred to the external HDD
7. When finished, turn off the PS3 and disconnect all cables.

Remove old HDD
1. On the left side there is a cover, remove that.
2. You will now see 3 screws, remove the blue screw.
3. Flip out a little piece of metal.
4. Push the HDD to the right.
5. Pull out the HDD, with the little metal piece, do not use force.

Change the HDD
1. Unscrew 1 screw from each corner, 2 on each side.
2. Remove the HDD from its cover.
3. Place the new HDD in the cover.
4. Screw the 4 screws back on.
5. Put the new HDD in the PS3
6. Push it to the left
7. Put the blue screw back in its place, and the cover.

Reload the saved files
1. Connect all cables.
2. Turn on the PS3, if it ask to format choose yes.
3. Connect the external HDD.
4. Go to saved data under games.
5. Choose the external HDD
6. Find your saved files.
7. Press "triangle"
8. Choose "copy"
9. Wait for it to copy the data from the external to the PS3.
10. Repeat until all files are transferred.
What you need is:

2,5" SATA disc 5400 rpm (not 7200 rpm) - I used a Western Digital Scorpio 500GB
A screwdriver
An external HDD to backup your existing saves etc

Backing up files
1. Under games you will find your saved data
2. Connect your external HDD
3. Press the "triangle"
4. Choose "copy"
5. Choose target to copy to
6. Repeat until all your files are transferred to the external HDD
7. When finished, turn off the PS3 and disconnect all cables.

Remove old HDD
1. On the left side there is a cover, remove that.
2. You will now see 3 screws, remove the blue screw.
3. Flip out a little piece of metal.
4. Push the HDD to the right.
5. Pull out the HDD, with the little metal piece, do not use force.

Change the HDD
1. Unscrew 1 screw from each corner, 2 on each side.
2. Remove the HDD from its cover.
3. Place the new HDD in the cover.
4. Screw the 4 screws back on.
5. Put the new HDD in the PS3
6. Push it to the left
7. Put the blue screw back in its place, and the cover.

Reload the saved files
1. Connect all cables.
2. Turn on the PS3, if it ask to format choose yes.
3. Connect the external HDD.
4. Go to saved data under games.
5. Choose the external HDD
6. Find your saved files.
7. Press "triangle"
8. Choose "copy"
9. Wait for it to copy the data from the external to the PS3.
10. Repeat until all files are transferred.

Τhank you for replying my friend, i know the procedure although it will come in handy for sure.

What I am really asking/wondering though is, will the GT5 save file actually work after this procedure? Because some saves even after using this backup utility, dont actually work in the newly installed hdd. Examples are KZ2 and LBP.

Has someone tried this already and knows that the GT5 files works fine, or am i in completely uncharted waters here?
Same here,just got an SSD drive and want to be sure if the backup really works..
Start all over again is not an option,to many hours,to many cars,to many credits,failure is not an option,hope they fix the game copy protection.
I just upgraded my HD to a used 160GB that came from my Macbook Pro. Though it wasn't tough, it was very time consuming.

1. I had to reformat the drive to FAT
2. I had to download PS3 Firmware 3.55 to a USB key and rebuild the XMB
3. Then I did a system backup to an old 30GB iPod.
4. I went to restore and it failed....... :(
5. I swapped back the HD and saved the GT5 saved data file
6. Then swapped back to the new HD and installed the 8GB GT5 files and the latest GT5 updates.
7. I was finally able to drive again.

Everything is up and going with all of my major saved data, but I am missing some images of cars in my garage and any of my saved jpegs from photomode.

Not sure if 'd ever do the HD swap again because of it being so time consuming.
Whoah Whoah Whoah there....You guy are making this alot more difficult than it has to be.

1. Synch your Trophies(It warns you anyway)
2.Hook up an external HDD formatted to FAT32
3. Go to System>Backup Utility and prepare for a LONG wait(My almost full 60GB launch took over an hour and half)
4. Shut Down.
5. Follow Varegg's HDD removal/install procedure.
6.Turn on PS3 with newly installed HDD (It will automatically ask to format it)
7.Go back to System>Backup Utility and Restore(again be prepared for the long wait again)

8. Enjoy you exact same PS3 with EVERYTHING exactly as you left it just with a bigger HDD

I know, I did it and this was after GT5 was released and I already had many hours invested in it and had the Installed Data on there as well.

It worked perfectly and other than the time it took for the backup and restore.

But I lost NOTHING and everything was exactly as I had left it.

Heck dig out your PS3 Manual they will tell you how to do it there too.
I have been offered another PS3 for a very good price, of course I am considering it, naturally (been offered a 160gb Slim).

If I do, will my game save work on the other machine? As I back it up everyday now in case of corruption or worse death of my PS3.
Everything is up and going with all of my major saved data, but I am missing some images of cars in my garage and any of my saved jpegs from photomode.


To replace the missing garage images, go to garage put your cursor over the car with the missing image , press " triangle" and choose " create thumbnail"
hope this helps
Actually I had the firmware problem too when I swapped mine over about a year ago, no one mentioned that beforehand. When you put the new HDD in it might tell you the correct firmware isn't installed and you'll likely need to use a PC and USB/external HDD to download and send it over.