Upload photos in blog

  • Thread starter kyve
Hi guys i create a blog for gt5 these days and i think to upload photos from photomode in the blog and people download if they want
how do you find the idea?
Hi guys i create a blog for gt5 these days and i think to upload photos from photomode in the blog and people download if they want
how do you find the idea?

Instead of photoblog, why not use something like Flickr. It's easy to upload and manage your image. You can setup specific galleries, Slideshows and specify which images can be downloaded (at what resolution) and by whom. You can try it for free. There are few restrictions to the free service- you can only view the last 200 photos uploaded (while the rest is still being stored on Flickr).
Welcome to the 'Planet, Kyve!

While you're free to make an off-site gallery, a lot of members choose to create their own personal threads in the Galleries sub-section so as to better interact with the rest of the community here. Also, like mykem suggested, Flickr works incredibly well for your purposes, if you do want to create one elsewhere.