From where you are downloading the file from.
I see no problem with this, people need to stop acting like the law doesn't apply on the Internet.
As Kim dotcom can vouch for internet is not a legal free zone, and all without internet laws.
So why this, or Sopa, or acta, or.....
Did you ask Matt Groening permission for your avatar picture?
it's not about illegal downloads, it's about privacy which you are entiteled to and the contentindusty grabbing on the copyright form centuries ago.
Why intellectual propriety is more important than material propriety?
When you write a book, you and your children and future generation can live on that one invention.
Is that normal? Is it right? What added-value did the future generations add.
Look also at the income numbers of contentindustry during the last 10 years, a period in which the pirating really took off, they increased their income massively! So why whine?
Copyright and Patents need to be change to modern times.
Every one creating a value, whether intellectual or material, should be paid and honored for it. It's product should be protected.
But for how long? And for how much?
that is the discussion that needs to be raised.
Look at the design patent from Apple for a Pad.
A display behind a transparent panel.
Really, what else, behind bricks?
Look megaupload still had people paying for content even if it was illegal.
For now, convience and price are not given, therefor the problem with piracy.
So instead of changing their business method to the new medium, Internet, they try to force us by laws, bills, and repressive methods into adapting into their old archaic business model.
that's why it's call Contentmafia.
that's why the discussion.
that's why the need for change