US denies CIA ran thousands of illegal prisoner flights (AFP)


They can deny it all the want... but one of those airplanes made an emergency landing here and everyone got to see the "cargo". Plus, it's notoriusly known how all those planes refuel all along Europe.
What sort of prisoners? Regular old prison inmates or prisoners of war? Are they citizens? If they aren't they should go to a different country, that way we don't have to babysit them. And why did that writer make it sound as if Europe is a no-fly zone? He's just causing trouble. And he messed up on quite a few puctuation marks, to.
What sort of prisoners? Regular old prison inmates or prisoners of war? Are they citizens? If they aren't they should go to a different country, that way we don't have to babysit them. And why did that writer make it sound as if Europe is a no-fly zone? He's just causing trouble. And he messed up on quite a few puctuation marks, to.

Your posts are filled with questions...

I hope this article from the Washington Post answers a few of them. If not, you could aso check this one out.

This has been going on for years. The US has just decided to ingore it...
And this is news, how? :indiff: They do it... everyone knows they do it... heck, I wouldn't be surprised if they transferred a few here, as our police managed to beat a confession out of the 9/11 planners years before it happened.

Doesn't make it humane, but WTF. If America is so hell-bent on using psychological and physical torture, they should just pass a law authorizing it... now, shouldn't they? :indiff: It's sort of a double standard, saying: "We can't torture our own citizens, but we sure as hell can torture you... let me go find a place where it's legal."
It's sort of a double standard, saying: "We can't torture our own citizens, but we sure as hell can torture you... let me go find a place where it's legal."

hence why Guantanamo Prison exists... it's not on American soil!