US Supreme Court Affirms Gun Rights

  • Thread starter Danoff


United States
Mile High City

This is big. Very big.

But I can't stand the opposing side pretending that the argument is all about safety. I mean, I don't think that this will make people less safe anyway - but even if it did, this is about rights! Giving people rights is not necessarily safe, but we cope with it to live in a nation that recognizes rights.
As I was driving to work, KFWB was interviewing Diane Feinstein about it… ugh. She blathered on forever about precedent – well, honey, precedent doesn’t make something right you annoying old… you.
Hooray for guns!

I'm quite positive this will be a lively discussion when classes resume in late-August. Still, I am quite surprised that it was a 5-4 decision, but then again, it wouldn't be the first time that my expectations had been a bit different.
There's not much to debate about... a total ban is unconstitutional, but the Supreme Court didn't strike down the ability of the city to regulate weapons on the streets.