Using driving line for tuning

  • Thread starter rjcobra
I've noticed that when i tune a car properly the red braking zones get smaller. Anybody using this to tune any?
Or is it just my imagination?
It's not something I have entirely noticed, but I could see how it could have an impact especially if you change to softer tires without raising hp. 👍
The 'red' zone is based on computer 'figuring' your speed and what it considers the safe speed to traverse corner. It is overly cautious. I only use racing line to remind me where track goes on unfamiliar circuits (except ovals-I know which way the turns are :dopey:)

As you improve the tune of the car it improves your driving, and thus results.

But I wouldn't base your tune on how much red showing in the braking zone; stick to your sector times and ghost replays for 'seeing' improvements 👍
No the braking zones definitely get smaller after you tune the car. i think the computer figures out how fast u an take each turn based on your car's setup

I concur, this is because the computer computes the trajectory of the driving line in accordance to how well your car could adhere to the driving line at the speed required to take the corner. The better you have it tuned, the quicker you can get around the corner, and thus a decreased braking zone is an after effect... you only just see it first. Chicken or egg argument I suppose.