The stoner shots are pretty good. 👍 Did you have to crop it much?
EDIT: I thought I'd add a little bit of advice regarding this:
And it doesnt help shooting behind chain-linked fences! Also when the best aperature you can get @ 400mm is f5.6, you may have to crank up the ISO to compensate. when pros are walking around with 400m f2.4 lenses and infront of the fence, there is no way you can compete with the pros. I keep sending in my pictures to MCN and other motorcycle newspapers and also my local paper in the hope they publish 6 pics so i can apply for a Photographers pass. Would be great to show up some of the pros with £10k+ worth of kit with a nice little(ish) D80 and a nice 400mm which hasnt even cost me 1k! - but frankly that is dreaming
Thanks for the positive comments guys
I know it can be frustrating, seeing pro's on the other side of the fence with a fancy big lens and their accreditation, however I'll share a bit of advice on the situation. I have done a few gigs on the "other side" but I still spend a vast majority of my time on the spectator side as I dont have accreditation for most gigs. Usually to get on the other side of the fence you need to be on assignment for the magazine to be getting over there. Just cause someone is on the other side of the fence, it doesnt mean that they are taking shots in the hope of getting published. They are sent by an editor and when they complete their media pass paperwork, they list the editor who has sent them on assignment and the race organisers will follow it up and call the editor.
Now I would encourage attendance of big events and sending those shots in but I would also look at starting a little lower on the pecking order of motorsport. That is to say, grass roots events. Get yourself known by the lower level motorsport community and eventually the ones higher up will also take notice.
Also how are you submitting photos to the editors? They are very busy people usually and dont have time to load cd/dvds and ignore emails from people they dont know. Sending in actual prints are the best bet, expensive but these things take time and money.
Also another thing to consider when you see that professional photog with his L series 600mm $10K plus lens walking around, chances are they dont own it but most likely hiring it. A lot of these guys will hire equipment needed as a lens like that is far too expensive. Remember photography for the most part is not a terribly good paying job.
Your photos are good but the editors dont want good, they want the best, and seriously they really dont care if you have a 2.8 or 5.6 F they just want results.
With the above, you probably know some if not all of that, and Im not trying to dampen your spirits at all, those are just facts on how the system works. I would encourage you to get out there and be consistent, talk to the guys in the pits at the small events and keep submitting your work to editors.
Most importantly, dont be disheartened. There have been lots of early mornings when I get up and think, why am I punishing myself at 5 am on a Saturday or Sunday after having worked all week, just to work all weekend for little or no pay.... a few reasons, one of which is that I love it, the other being that your hard work will eventually pay off. Oh and dont forget, those pros started out at the bottom as well once. .....