VALE Photogrpahy By Deathwalker - Update - 04/09/2009 - Stoner Crash!

Deathwalker_Red And GTP_TheDoctor46
Deathwalker Red
i shall start off with a few of WorldSBK photos @ Donington Park, the originals are avaliable on request :)


Leon Camier


Ben Spies


Shane Byrne


Jamie Hacking


Yukio Kagayama & David Checa


John Hopkins

All taken with Nikon D80 & Nikon 70 - 300mm G

these have just been cropped in windows as photoshop aint working at the moment, comments and critisism welcome. More to come soon
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Nice where about were you standing for those?

I was at Donnington today and most of my shots have come from the inside of Redgate or the bank at craner curves because of the lack of fencing that would normally get in the way photos.
Nice start. I’m a mental case for moto sports photography. Did you get a chance to get any shots from different angles?

My only gripe is that the shots are a little soft. Apart from that, pretty cool 👍
Nice start. I’m a mental case for moto sports photography. Did you get a chance to get any shots from different angles?

My only gripe is that the shots are a little soft. Apart from that, pretty cool 👍

I agree about the shots being soft, thats what your get with £90 optics.

i shall try and find some shots at other angle, which maybe MotoGP but i should have some WSB shots too
Nice where about were you standing for those?

I was at Donnington today and most of my shots have come from the inside of Redgate or the bank at craner curves because of the lack of fencing that would normally get in the way photos.

I stood at the inside of Redgate to archeve them, I was too far away at craners so it was pointless there. For the motogp round i stood outside of Mcleans and will post some photos up tomorrow

I agree about the shots being soft, thats what your get with £90 optics.

i shall try and find some shots at other angle, which maybe MotoGP but i should have some WSB shots too

I have the exact same lens and half the battle is knowning when it will perform well and when you need to be careful.

Between 70mm and 200mm its actually a cracking lens on a DX sensor camera (as you are not affected by the soft edge definition of the lens to such a great degree), and its only between 200mm and 300mm that it starts to get quite a bit softer.

However here the trick is to try and avoid using it wide open, which is damn tricky with motorsport/action stuff, but its worth using a higher ASA speed if it allows you to get closer to the f8/f11 range that suits this lens at the far end of the zoom.

I paid £50 for mine and still consider it good value and capable (when you work around its issues) of quite surprising results.


You've summed it up in 1 there mate

Ive sold it on ebay now and treated myself to a nice 135-400mm and its brilliant, i find it sharp and provides good colour, its better built too, and the extra 100mm reach is good too, ill upload some of my MotoGP shots later when ive converted them from RAW to JPEG

A few shots from my weekend at Donington MotoGP




Got some more to upload later
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My D80's AF System liked the Playboy bike, so did I!


Feedback Welcome, Havent had much time to play around with the saturation so will try and do a before and after with the Rossi (46) picture

By The Way, How do i edit the title of my thread?

These are a vast improvement. Reasonably sharp, decent white balancing and good composition. The ones thing that bothers me just a little is the shots are a tad grey/washed out, but I assume that since it's England, that sunshine was probably lacking a little at the time. Overall great job 👍

Edit: Oh and to edit the title, just edit your first post.
Oh my god! If I were racing one of those I would have that luck where the knee pad grinds away and I bust up my knee. :lol: Great Pictures!
These are a vast improvement. Reasonably sharp, decent white balancing and good composition. The ones thing that bothers me just a little is the shots are a tad grey/washed out, but I assume that since it's England, that sunshine was probably lacking a little at the time. Overall great job 👍

The washed out feel was because of the rubbish weather, it was Sunny at one end (Redgate) and it was Miserable and Dull were i was, it changed all the time! There was one point at the weekend where the weather was that bad (friday i think it was) it was sunny and then there was torrential rain for like 5 minutes, me and my freind had to scramble under a donut truck.

Thanks for the comments

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Agreed, the shot of Rossi is brilliant. And I feel your pain with shooting motorsport in England. The constant cloud really does us no favours!
And it doesnt help shooting behind chain-linked fences! Also when the best aperature you can get @ 400mm is f5.6, you may have to crank up the ISO to compensate. when pros are walking around with 400m f2.4 lenses and infront of the fence, there is no way you can compete with the pros. I keep sending in my pictures to MCN and other motorcycle newspapers and also my local paper in the hope they publish 6 pics so i can apply for a Photographers pass. Would be great to show up some of the pros with £10k+ worth of kit with a nice little(ish) D80 and a nice 400mm which hasnt even cost me 1k! - but frankly that is dreaming

Thanks for the positive comments guys
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The stoner shots are pretty good. 👍 Did you have to crop it much?

EDIT: I thought I'd add a little bit of advice regarding this:

And it doesnt help shooting behind chain-linked fences! Also when the best aperature you can get @ 400mm is f5.6, you may have to crank up the ISO to compensate. when pros are walking around with 400m f2.4 lenses and infront of the fence, there is no way you can compete with the pros. I keep sending in my pictures to MCN and other motorcycle newspapers and also my local paper in the hope they publish 6 pics so i can apply for a Photographers pass. Would be great to show up some of the pros with £10k+ worth of kit with a nice little(ish) D80 and a nice 400mm which hasnt even cost me 1k! - but frankly that is dreaming

Thanks for the positive comments guys

I know it can be frustrating, seeing pro's on the other side of the fence with a fancy big lens and their accreditation, however I'll share a bit of advice on the situation. I have done a few gig’s on the "other side" but I still spend a vast majority of my time on the spectator side as I don’t have accreditation for most gigs. Usually to get on the other side of the fence you need to be on assignment for the magazine to be getting over there. Just cause someone is on the other side of the fence, it doesn’t mean that they are taking shots in the hope of getting published. They are sent by an editor and when they complete their media pass paperwork, they list the editor who has sent them on assignment and the race organisers will follow it up and call the editor.
Now I would encourage attendance of big events and sending those shots in but I would also look at starting a little lower on the pecking order of motorsport. That is to say, grass roots events. Get yourself known by the lower level motorsport community and eventually the ones higher up will also take notice.
Also how are you submitting photos to the editors? They are very busy people usually and don’t have time to load cd/dvd’s and ignore emails from people they don’t know. Sending in actual prints are the best bet, expensive but these things take time and money.
Also another thing to consider when you see that professional photog with his L series 600mm $10K plus lens walking around, chances are they don’t own it but most likely hiring it. A lot of these guys will hire equipment needed as a lens like that is far too expensive. Remember photography for the most part is not a terribly good paying job.
Your photos are good but the editors don’t want good, they want the best, and seriously they really don’t care if you have a 2.8 or 5.6 F they just want results.
With the above, you probably know some if not all of that, and I’m not trying to dampen your spirits at all, those are just facts on how the system works. I would encourage you to get out there and be consistent, talk to the guys in the pits at the small events and keep submitting your work to editors.
Most importantly, don’t be disheartened. There have been lots of early mornings when I get up and think, why am I punishing myself at 5 am on a Saturday or Sunday after having worked all week, just to work all weekend for little or no pay.... a few reasons, one of which is that I love it, the other being that your hard work will eventually pay off. Oh and don’t forget, those pro’s started out at the bottom as well once. .....
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The stoner shots are pretty good. 👍 Did you have to crop it much?

EDIT: I thought I'd add a little bit of advice regarding this:

I know it can be frustrating, seeing pro's on the other side of the fence with a fancy big lens and their accreditation, however I'll share a bit of advice on the situation. I have done a few gig’s on the "other side" but I still spend a vast majority of my time on the spectator side as I don’t have accreditation for most gigs. Usually to get on the other side of the fence you need to be on assignment for the magazine to be getting over there. Just cause someone is on the other side of the fence, it doesn’t mean that they are taking shots in the hope of getting published. They are sent by an editor and when they complete their media pass paperwork, they list the editor who has sent them on assignment and the race organisers will follow it up and call the editor.
Now I would encourage attendance of big events and sending those shots in but I would also look at starting a little lower on the pecking order of motorsport. That is to say, grass roots events. Get yourself known by the lower level motorsport community and eventually the ones higher up will also take notice.
Also how are you submitting photos to the editors? They are very busy people usually and don’t have time to load cd/dvd’s and ignore emails from people they don’t know. Sending in actual prints are the best bet, expensive but these things take time and money.
Also another thing to consider when you see that professional photog with his L series 600mm $10K plus lens walking around, chances are they don’t own it but most likely hiring it. A lot of these guys will hire equipment needed as a lens like that is far too expensive. Remember photography for the most part is not a terribly good paying job.
Your photos are good but the editors don’t want good, they want the best, and seriously they really don’t care if you have a 2.8 or 5.6 F they just want results.
With the above, you probably know some if not all of that, and I’m not trying to dampen your spirits at all, those are just facts on how the system works. I would encourage you to get out there and be consistent, talk to the guys in the pits at the small events and keep submitting your work to editors.
Most importantly, don’t be disheartened. There have been lots of early mornings when I get up and think, why am I punishing myself at 5 am on a Saturday or Sunday after having worked all week, just to work all weekend for little or no pay.... a few reasons, one of which is that I love it, the other being that your hard work will eventually pay off. Oh and don’t forget, those pro’s started out at the bottom as well once. .....

Youve got it in one :), as i said its just hope that i get recognised localy, im not bothered about money, i just like taking photos. Also you get a better atmosphere with the crowd. Im fine behind the fence at the moment, its just if i push further and decide to make Photography my living, its something i have to think about.
I think the best way to approach the professional side of it is to treat it as a hobby. Enjoyment first is what I say. After being to one event in my whole life, I am absolutely raring to go to another with the knowledge and support given to me by others, 'speccialy from people at this site - but I won't be going to another one untill somebody invites me.

As for doubts in hardware - to be honest, 90% of people who have galleries here have me looking into what hardware they use, because my shots don't come out nearly as crisp as them. Granted, I can't match the MPs that Syntax puts out, but most people here use 12 and 10MP cameras. I ask myself why my shots are so bad? The reason I usually come up with is experience (although I think maybe a VR lens wouldn't go amiss with me). My grip is rubbish and only about 5-10% of shots I took on that one day I would start to consider sharing with pros and serious photographers on this site. I can get better, and I will with practice, and the same goes for lenses. Sure, the pros on the other side of the fence are weilding some serious hardware - just beat 'em at their own game.

A common trait with photographers is modesty. I'd say this has the potential to be very helpful for when sending in applications. Some of us are more modest than others (like LongbowX, who seems to think I tower above him in terms of skill - but everyone is entitled to their opinions). I'd say that the biggest critic of your work should be yourself. This is to prevent those galleries where you facepalm because you get the sence the guy thinks he's really good but he isn't - THIS IS NOT YOU BTW). When you honestly think other people would want to see you work splattered across a 2pg spread of their favourite bike rag, then you are ready, but I'd say you would have to be absolutely spectactular to judge yourself as good (from my experience).

Last of all, the above shots are great, but if you are sending them in as an application in any form, give them something that will explode in their face BANG!!. Its likely that they will only use stuff like what you've already shown, but send in a shot or two which the composition is different and you have played with the colours - go crazy with the PP and catch their eye.

Please, regard this as take or leave, as I am not too far into photography myself - but it's my 2 cents. 👍
every comment is appreciated, and i treat it as a hobby because it is a hobby at the moment, im helping my freind out with a wedding next month so will have to see how that goes, im pretty new to this field so it should be interesting, just gotta wait for my 50mm f1.8 to arrive:) will post some zoo shots and some sunsets up soon guys too

Thanks for the positive feedback

but I won't be going to another one untill somebody invites me.

Are you hunting for an invite? :lol: Drift Nationals, Oran Park 20th of Sept. I'm not working in an official capacity for this event, just going to do a shoot for fun. Come on down for a few hours.

Anyway sorry for the thread hijack, keep the shots coming. 👍
Are you hunting for an invite? :lol: Drift Nationals, Oran Park 20th of Sept. I'm not working in an official capacity for this event, just going to do a shoot for fun. Come on down for a few hours.

Anyway sorry for the thread hijack, keep the shots coming. 👍

No, sadly I'm hunting for a ride. Drifting is somthing I'd like to shoot, so I may try to see if someone will take me. If I'm desperate, I'll bus it, but I'd rather go by car.
The side on shot of Rossi has his feet missing, and he is a little off centre in the shot as well. Those two things bother me about that shot. The others are good though 👍
The side on shot of Rossi has his feet missing, and he is a little off centre in the shot as well. Those two things bother me about that shot. The others are good though 👍

That bothered me too, cramped granstand, limited movement i was lucky with what i got, they were under starters orders too so every one stood up and jumped around like children. Was a great experience and ive learnt my lesson for next time, if i get pushed, push them back twice as hard when there about to take a shot :P