vanishing bobs

anyone ever have their bob disappear from the remote race servers? i had 6 bobs, all online, but when i got to work tonight and logged into the remote race website its only showing 3? not 3 available and 3 with red slashes, only 3 drivers total.
I just checked the site and your right you only have 3 drivers. To bad I can't get to the PS3 to have a look.
Chances are they just lost their online status and you still have 6 drivers left.
i hope so, because my highest lvl bob was one of the ones that vanished.
kinda odd, when i got online i went to cash out my drivers money from today. the first 3 i cashed out, the last 3 were being used so i couldn't. it's the 3 i cashed out that vanished.
i know i didn't accidentally delete them, because i went back to the driver screen and tried to cash out my last 3 again before i left and my first 3 were still there.
got home and somehow they did get set to offline. pretty sure i didn't do it when i cashed them out, but who knows. they're back online now so i guess that's all that really matters.

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