Venezuela's Maduro warns of war if 'revolution' toppled

  • Thread starter Dennisch


Humongous member
Venezuela's President Nicolas Maduro warned on Tuesday that he and supporters would take up arms if his socialist government was violently overthrown by opponents who have been on the streets protesting for three months.

"I'm telling the world, and I hope the world listens after 90 days of protest, destruction and death," Maduro said in reference to anti-government unrest that has led to at least 75 deaths in the OPEC nation since April.

"If Venezuela was plunged into chaos and violence and the Bolivarian Revolution destroyed, we would go to combat. We would never give up, and what couldn't be done with votes, we would do with weapons, we would liberate the fatherland with weapons."

Maduro, 54, was speaking at a rally to promote a July 30 vote for a special super-body called a Constituent Assembly, which could rewrite the national charter and supersede other institutions such as the opposition-controlled congress.

He has touted the assembly as the only way to bring peace to Venezuela. But opponents, who want to bring forward the next presidential election scheduled for late 2018, say it is a sham poll designed purely to keep the socialists in power.

They are boycotting the vote, and protesting daily on the streets to try and have it stopped. Opposition leaders call Maduro a dictator who has wrecked a once-prosperous economy, while he calls them violent coup leaders.

Maduro, who accuses Washington of backing his opponents and seeking to control the nation's oil wealth, said the "destruction" of Venezuela would lead to a huge refugee wave dwarfing the migrant crisis in the Mediterranean.

"Listen, President Donald Trump," he said.

"You would have to build 20 walls in the sea, a wall from Mississippi to Florida, from Florida to New York, it would be crazy ... You have the responsibility: stop the madness of the violent Venezuelan right wing."

Opposition to the July 30 vote has come not just from Venezuelan opposition parties, but also from the chief state prosecutor Luisa Ortega and onetime government heavyweights like former intelligence service boss Miguel Rodriguez.

At a news conference on Tuesday, Rodriguez criticized Maduro for not holding a referendum prior to the Constituent Assembly election, as his predecessor Chavez had done in 1999.

"This is a country without government, this is chaos," he said. "The people are left out ... They (the government) are seeking solutions outside the constitution ... That deepens the crisis."


Latin Spring?
I can see Brasil follow this trend of protests, with their ludicrously corrupt government.
People in these countries just have a hard time sharing power. It's all absolute. Seems like most OPEC nations fall into this category.

On a lighthearted note: the cratering Venezuelan economy will probably keep Mr. Maldonado from racing in a top series anytime soon.
I found this to be an interesting statement of fact:

Question: Is there a better thread concerning Latin America and Venezuela than this one?

Seeing how the US and the Lima group now see the leader of the opposition Juan Guaidó as interim president, and the EU shows their support (as usual a half arsed opinion) and the protests against the regime are growing yet again, I think that Maduro's days are numbered.
Seeing how the US and the Lima group now see the leader of the opposition Juan Guaidó as interim president, and the EU shows their support (as usual a half arsed opinion) and the protests against the regime are growing yet again, I think that Maduro's days are numbered.
Okay by me. But there is a small problem standing in the way - the Generals and presumably their army are supporting Maduro. They stood before the press today and made that very clear, denouncing imperialist USA etc., while they were at it. Russia, Cuba and a few other jokers are also on his side for the moment. A few years ago some retired friends of mine from Boeing decided to move to Hugo Chavez's Venezuela, entranced by what they thought would be socialist utopia. What happened to them, I don't know. The place has become a true **** hole, a rotten corpse attracting the world's predatory sharks to an oil feeding frenzy.
So a guy proclaims himself an interim president on a street rally and Trump recognizes him after few hours? Nice.

I'm not defending Maduro though. Russia had the incaution to invest some serious money into Venezuelan economy and will probably want to defend it somehow.

This region is known for coups, revolutions and civil wars, but let's hope there won't be another one.
Would a civil war honestly be as bad for Venezuela as some proclaim? People are already leaving en masse as the country is so future-less that citizens are basically reliant on Runescape bot farming to gain any sort of income.

I can't imagine there's much to lose for anyone other than Maduro and his cronies - and they've put themselves in a position where they whole-heartedly deserve it.
Would a civil war honestly be as bad for Venezuela as some proclaim? People are already leaving en masse as the country is so future-less that citizens are basically reliant on Runescape bot farming to gain any sort of income.

I can't imagine there's much to lose for anyone other than Maduro and his cronies - and they've put themselves in a position where they whole-heartedly deserve it.

I think civil war (especially one prolonged by wealthy foreign nations supporting opposing sides) is probably always the worst outcome/option. Ask a Syrian.
Maduro is backed by the Tsar, The Emperor, The Sultan and the Shah.

Russia, China, Turkey and Iran are on the same team on this one.
Maduro was blocked by The Bank of England from withdrawing over a Billion Dollars worth of the Countries Gold.

To me it looks like he was preparing to make a run for it.
Maduro was blocked by The Bank of England from withdrawing over a Billion Dollars worth of the Countries Gold.

To me it looks like he was preparing to make a run for it.

I say let him take off with $10M. Worth it to get him out of there with no bloodshed.
I have a question. If he cares so much about the 'revolution' and helping his people, why doesn't he give them food and water? The United States didn't cause the problems that country is facing.
I have a question. If he cares so much about the 'revolution' and helping his people, why doesn't he give them food and water? The United States didn't cause the problems that country is facing.
To be fair, they certainly helped.
I mean, let's be honest here, there really isn't many Latin american countries/states the US gov hasnt interfered with.
I mean, let's be honest here, there really isn't many Latin american countries/states the US gov hasnt interfered with.
We have a positive right and duty to interfere with Latin America because of the Monroe Doctrine.:rolleyes:
While I don't agree that was the intent, i certainly cant argue that wasnt the outcome.

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