Well the side isn't in line with the bonnet it looks like your trying to make the whole bonnet visible. Sorry if it isn't clear. You're better than most of my friends though especially for your first go.
Focus on perspective, not just the actual car detail.
Omnis, it sounded pretty blunt and offensive, but you said the right thing. I've seen far too many people just give props, and the artist goes on tinking that they're a pro, and learn the hard way.
sic, keep going, you won't get better with just 2 or 3 drawings, you gotta keep going and practicing a ton. Persepctive is key, the proportions will come later on and are a lot easier to learn and get right.
Very funny replies guys. It does look like it's been stepped on.
Oh well, its not too, too bad.
I liked the "I did this in under 5 minutes" statement, everyone says this.
Anyways, keep trying, but keep all sides in proportion to each other.
Did you use a photo as a reference? You'll need one for a good drawing.
The opposite, the tutorials came from the site. Car Design News had a big hand in developing the book, How to Design Cars like a Pro. It is an excellent book, very well put together and written. I wouldn't recomend it for this level of drawing ability, it covers a lot of design theory that needs previous experience to fully appreciate. I bought the book when it came out (October '03) and I still re-read the whole thing every few months.