Vice City Q and A.

  • Thread starter Robin2
this thread can be used to ask any questions anyone may have about missions, places etc. just post any questions you may have and im sure that a number of people will be willing to help out.

ive got one to start off.

when can i buy the malibu club? ive got over $120 000. do you have to reach a certain point in the game or is it mission related?

Actually, once you kill Diaz i think all the places are available for purchase. But be warned - the Malibu is a hefty 100,000 credits. Of course, once you do it's missions, pumps out 10,000 a day. :)
Keep doing the missions at the mansion, you're real close. A message will appear "Assets available for purchase" or something, you can't miss it.
ah, just finished the hit and run mission in the mall and now i can buy property. bought the malibu nightclub.

what other properties give you a decent return on your purchase?
the car dealership has the best value, it's only 50 grand, you get 4 large garages, car lists which earn money, and eventually 9000$ a day.

you can get the landstalker from one of the houses on starfish island, or the dirt track at the north end of the west island.
Originally posted by mayorbill11
the car dealership has the best value

Agreed. It also opens the street races ($$$), has a Pay & Spray, and is a great place to get tanks, vice cars, FBI Ranchers, etc...

It's also your only source of Deluxo's and Sabre Turbo's. :D
Originally posted by bigwhlkid
What does the Landstalker look like? where can i find it? i cannot find it to complete the first list at sunshine autos.


A Landstalker can be found always at the Dirt Track by Downtown, it
includes a mission but you don't have to do it.

Fixed Location: Dirtbike Track(Downtown), Starfish Island: Northwest House


Only use it as a last resort though, its a killer if you use it as a guide!! :)
you can find landstalkers everywhere. i come across them all the time. the pricks usually make a sharp turn and cause me to fly into a wall.
I have done Copland :embarrassed:. I found where the pink thing was...:lol:I couldn't find the one for Bar Brawl, and then i just had to do that....I have 95 hidden packages and i'm loving the rocket launcher....:D I have to do the Cuban missions and then the rest of the Vercetti's.