Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
Hey Spuds and Kieran, I don't think that site is too reputable - it looks more like people go along and put in any number higher than the last.

This one at least has screenshots though it seems to focus on races and stunts (so no criminal rating and kill counts for you guys to compare against).

May be worth a look - enjoy!!
Thanks---I'll check it out when I get a chance.

I got a few hours to play today (finally).

Time played: 246:04
CR 596208
People wasted 188663
Road vehicles destroyed 47111
Boats destroyed 401
Planes & Helicopters destroyed 5682
Tires popped 3409
Headshots 1753
Gang members wasted 8605
Criminals wasted 60741
Kgs of explosives 17471
Accuracy 285%
Criminals killed on vigilante 82441
Seagulls sniped 292

Got my ocean drive race time down to 1:02 too.
Hey I was having a quick perusal of this forum and thought this could be some help with the hotring debate - it seems the times given in the stats aren't accurate at all, simply rounded down. In my stats it says fastest lap is 14.0 secs, but it's really 14.91

But it should be proof enough that 15 secs is breakable

(I actually got a huge 0.03 secs quicker at 14.88 but I got swamped by flaming cars - need I say more - and didn't end up saving it)


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Originally posted by Maestro
Hey I was having a quick perusal of this forum and thought this could be some help with the hotring debate - it seems the times given in the stats aren't accurate at all, simply rounded down. In my stats it says fastest lap is 14.0 secs, but it's really 14.91

But it should be proof enough that 15 secs is breakable

(I actually got a huge 0.03 secs quicker at 14.88 but I got swamped by flaming cars - need I say more - and didn't end up saving it)

Thanks for the post/info

My stats say 15.00 (maybe this is a round down) and I haven't checked mine by doing the race again--but anyway, with a screen shot I will obviously post this--was this done on PC or PS2--I only ask since you wrote 14.0 seconds instead of 14.00 (maybe pc version stats are different) and also your screen shot looks pretty clear for a digital cam shot--looks like a screen capture--lemme know.

I also urge everyone who has a 15.00 record to start a hot ring race and check their fastest time there instead of stats.

I got some more time to play.

CR 603867
People Wasted 193383 (one more spree should do it--200K in sight--too bad I work the next 3 days--I will have it by monday for sure).

Acidman is at about 206K now (although he hasn't posted it here)--I don't have an exact figure.

Record book updated.
Yep its the PC version with the good old print screen function - it should be 14.00 (so same as ps2) but I guess I got lazy and neglected the second zero :)
Longest Wheelie Distance (m) - 4371.29
Longest Stoppie Distance (m) - 570.70
Longest Two Wheels Time (secs) - 47
Longest Two Wheels Distance (m) - 445.41


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Well Spuds, you know i can't just give you that record, you'll have to work a little more.

People Wasted - 210028

Forgot my CR though.
Longest wheelie time: 803s
Longest wheelie distace: 14552.26m

If I had known I was approaching 1000s maybe I would have thought twice about jumping off one of those trucks with the ramps :D


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Originally posted by Maestro
Longest wheelie time: 803s
Longest wheelie distace: 14552.26m

If I had known I was approaching 1000s maybe I would have thought twice about jumping off one of those trucks with the ramps :D

So thats the secret--I was wondering how you guys made the turns.

Nah the secret is to use the Sanchez and find a decent speed - then corners are no worry. Trying to overcome boredom is more of a problemmo but I find shooting cars and watching their reaction and trying to avoid them makes things more enjoyable :D
Fastest time on Terminal Velocity: 0:45

I'll give endurance a go but those records seem pretty tidy... we'll see.


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Longest Wheelie Time - 1227s
Longest Wheelie Distance - 9616.51m
Longest Stoppie Time - 220s
Longest Stoppie Distance - 1013.44m
Longest 2 Wheels Time - 106s
Longest 2 Wheels Distance - 733.61m



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I don't think it wasn't meant to be - I tried soooo many times but it seems old Sleek's record is safe...

Fastest Time on VC Endurance: 3:57


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Well your safe for now Acidman-- I killed around 5000 today and then my game locked up before I saved :banghead: -- first time thats happened in a long time.

I get to get 200,000 kills for the second time on Fri ( I work the next 2 days) I'm still stuck at ~198,000.

Ah man, i hate that when my game locks up after i've done something cool to! But ah well, and Spuds man, you rock, we have to be problably the two of the best people in the world at this game!

I would acctually like to see someone else that is better at this game than us.

Evidently there is a glitch in the PS2 stats (as well as PC stats) for hotring fastest lap--it rounds it down.

Everyone that has 15.00 for the best time in the Hotring needs to go and start a race and check their best lap time-- I checked mine and mine it is 15.77 (I suck)-- I removed myself from this record in the recordbook.

Originally posted by Acidman

I would acctually like to see someone else that is better at this game than us.

Thats a pretty bold statement--

I don't know--KM seems to be more well rounded at the game then us-- Killing and blowing stuff up is just one part of the game. Of course its the funnest part :mischievous: I hope he has made a backup of his 100% game this time.

I'd say we are the most tenacious in the Killing/CR stats though-- its actually fairly easy to kill in the Hunter although it can be difficult to kill very fast in shall know this soon though...

I am also closing in on the headshots record and criminals wasted record.

Also, for anyone who is interested-- evidently the soldiers are part of the streetwannabees gang-- I've been killing alot of soldiers lately and my least favorite gang is now the streetwannabees.
Originally posted by Spuds725
Thats a pretty bold statement

Yeah your right i may have been a little hasty in what i said but i'd really like to see someone with over 200 000 kills without using cheats, on the PS2 version.

When i talk to other people about this game they always do not believe my number of kills so i show them a screen shot of my game and they then just go on to think that i constatly use cheats, i just wish there was someway to prove that cheats have not been used in a specific game.
I have this 2 wheels thing nailed :

Longest 2 Wheels Time - 228s

I'll post a screenshot tomorrow. I don't have my camera at the moment.

As for VC Endurance. I've tried it about 100 times in the past week and I can't break 4 minutes. I'm gonna find some other records to break, the RC races or the dirtbike time trial maybe.

Do you think <4 min is possible on the PS2 version or has things just not gone right for you yet-- I still haven't seen a screen shot from ps2 with a sub 4 min time yet.

I'm finding it hard to believe in the ps2 <15 sec hotring lap too-- the racer just cant hold a low enuf line on the track (as my 15.77 illustrates:eek: )
Originally posted by Spuds725
Do you think <4 min is possible on the PS2 version or has things just not gone right for you yet-- I still haven't seen a screen shot from ps2 with a sub 4 min time yet.

I just can't get a good clean run. I keep missing checkpoints or crashing head on into traffic or some damn stupid thing. When I got my 4:00 time I didn't crash at all, but I did manage to do something stupid. I head just crossed over to the second island from Prawn Island and instead of heading right to the end of that street, I took a left for some reason at AmmuNation, realised what I'd done when I saw no checkpoint in from of me, turned around and got back on the right course. I still got 4:00 though. I probably lost around 5 seconds or so. So I shoulda got the record there and then.

I've tried it a few times lately and I normally have all my problems either near the start (miss a checkpoint or hit a car near the first two turns) or the stretch on the first island between the long bridge all the way to the pizza place-- then I usually have pretty clean race then on but by then its too late.

Has anyone else noticed that the map at the start of the race on the wall where you select the race is incorrect for VC Endurance--it has you go through Vice Port at the beginning instead of making that first left turn--is it like that on the PC version??
Endurance is plain nasty in terms of traffic - the only reason I got under 4 was because for some reason there was less cars in the normal nasty spots.

As for the map - it is wrong in the PC version too. I had never noticed it before.