Vice City Record Book V3.0

  • Thread starter Spuds725
Thanks-- I was wondering about that-- I'm finding it hard to understand how Rockstar is putting the same glitches in the game on both platforms-- guess we will find out in a few months if they are gonna put them on the X-Box version too.

Yeah, the traffic can be nasty-- I did the race on a PCJ one time and had a clean race all the way to the northpoint mall--then I couldn't miss the other traffic.

Anyone notice if the traffic is lighter when starting the race a certain times of day.
Originally posted by KieranMurphy
I have this 2 wheels thing nailed :

Longest 2 Wheels Time - 228s

I'll post a screenshot tomorrow. I don't have my camera at the moment.


What's your method to doing it?

I just got 349 seconds today. :D
Originally posted by Acidman
What's your method to doing it?

I just got 349 seconds today. :D

I've figured out a method of keeping a vehicle in the one spot while I balance it one 2 wheels. You must have figured out something similar or probably the exact same method as me.

349 seconds, eh? I'll be back...

Yeah that is the exact same method I use. I'm also getting to have another ecord soon enough, i won't tell you guys what it is but it'll be mine in a few days.
I've did Trial by Dirt today (I got 2:03) but when I check my stats page, it still says 2:40 for both it AND Test Track. It's giving my Test Track time for both races. Anyone else have this problem?

If I beat DODGE the VIPER's record, I'll have to take a screenshot of the briefs page immediately afterwards to prove it.

Yeah mine says either 2:36 or 2:40 or each, but they are the same too, i thought this was very odd. This is problably some glitch like what happened with the Hotring fastest lap, becasue i am certain that i had gotten a fastest lap in the hotring of something like 14.77.
I got my Test Track time down to 2:18.

But now that PIG in the black Rancher comes after me and I always lose a load of time with him ramming me and stuff.

That record was on his (saved over) 100% game anyway--it was a pretty good one though---I'm closing in on 500 boats myself.

I just got a good one this morning--

# of headshots- 2505 (#1) :)
Oi Spuds725!

You got my stoppie distance wrong. You put my 2 wheels distance in. It should be 1013.44m

And my wheelie was 1227s, not 1126 s.

This incompetence is inexcusable. I'm gonna bust some new records just for that.

My bad...sorry.

Yep...gang members wasted will be mine soon too.

I killed 6000 today.

People wasted 204,184
CR 622,585
Road vehicles 50,751 (#1)
Boats 482
Helicopters 5930
Tires popped 3658 (#1)
Headshots 2514 (#1)
Gang members wasted 9470
Criminal wasted 63,941 (#1)
Kgs of Explosives 21497
Accuracy 292%
Criminals killed on Vigilante 86699 (#1)
Seagulls Sniped 318 (#1)

I also got Terminal velocity down to :49

Ocean Drive - 0:56
Border Run - 1:14
Capital Cruise - 1:30

with the tour I have to admit defeat for the meantime - the best I can manage is 2:03 which is a fair way off but that's not to say I won't fluke it eventually :mischievous:


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Also just a quickie - I did 396 or so on the vigilante (nothing compated to 2000+ :( ) but in doing that my criminal rating went from around 13 000 to over 200 000 which seems a fair bit to me. Does the value of a kill increase as the level of vigilante increases?
Originally posted by Maestro
Also just a quickie - I did 396 or so on the vigilante (nothing compated to 2000+ :( ) but in doing that my criminal rating went from around 13 000 to over 200 000 which seems a fair bit to me. Does the value of a kill increase as the level of vigilante increases?

No, but you I think you get 1 criminal rating point for each $5000 you earn. You probably went from a couple of million to $999,999,999 and earned almost 200,000 points for just earning that money. Spuds725 probably did his 2363 Levels of vigilante with his money already maxed out so probably only earned points for killing people.

p.s. I don't think that 1:43 time for Tour can be right. A quick browse through threads like this on other sites has just under 2 minutes as the usual record. Did someone misread Integra-GSR's time or did he mispost it or something?

That time was from before I took over the record book so I can't vouch for it. If the general consensus is that it is impossible I will delete it or you can try to PM or email him and have him check--was your fastest time a clean race KM??-- mine is no wher close to that and I haven't done that once since March.
Ok, this is gonna sound unbelievable, so I will definitely post a pic on mon or tues when my wife gets home with the digital camera, but until then you will just have to believe me (or not believe me but its true)--

Max insane jump rotation: 3053 degrees :D

(Sorry Shannon).
I'm sure this is only good until you update Acidman, but here it is--

People wasted 211,110 #1 :)

CR 629609
Playing time 263:25
Road vehicles destroyed: 52457
Boat destroyed: 496
Helicopters destroyed: 6056
Tires popped: 3712
Headshots: 2534
Gangmembers wasted: 9724
Criminals wasted: 66208
Kgs of explosives: 21617
Accuracy: 298%
Criminal killed on Vigilante: 89816

Originally posted by Acidman
Oh, becasue i've heard of some kind of "superjump" glitch thing by phils place where you can get a very high rotation.

I've heard of them too (on some stat board link posted here a while back), but it wasn't one of them--just a regular fused bike glitch jump-- I did another one about 2600 degrees and 3 others between 2200 and 2300 degrees.
Originally posted by Acidman
Oh, becasue i've heard of some kind of "superjump" glitch thing by phils place where you can get a very high rotation.

I found instructions for it but couldn't get it to work. I tried it about 20 or so times but nothing happened.

I found some info on a superjump at the lighthouse and also a video clip of it (It was a pretty awesome jump-- lots of air time, rotation, height, and distance--it shot out of the lighthouse north along the beach and bounced real high in the air--but after the bounce while the bike was real high (above buildings) in the air and spinning madly it caught fire and evidently the person put in a health cheat because it stopped burning and there was a little message in the corner of the screen) and tried for about 3 hours to get it--I actually got it one time but it shot me out in the water but close to the shore on the beach--so the bike did not bounce and get the big airtime. I was able to jump out of the water and did not die and my stats for the jump were nothing special, but it was exciting for about 2 seconds.

The jump I made for the rotation record was not a superjump.

I'm gonna keep my method for rotations to myself for a few days but I will give you guys some pretty easy hints toward figuring it out.

I used the fused biker glitch (obviously) and really just thought about the problem and then tried some stuff.

What is the problem with getting high rotation jumps??? The answer is hitting the ground too soon--- so you need air time or hang time.

Now, what are the different methods for getting rotation???

To do my jump you have to combine the answers to the 2 questions (ie-- do two things)

Now here is the useful hint-- one of the things you need to do you have to do before you fuse to the bike.

I will reveal my method by next weekend (I promise), but I want to enjoy it for a few days because I know after I reveal it someone will improve upon it and break my record.

Also, if anyone does get a "Superjump", please state it--I plan on starting superjump records categories in the record book.

Ok so basically if I want any chance of getting near you guys in criminal rating I need over 400k deaths and car destructions??!! :eek:

I like my chances in the races better :)

As for the tour I have my doubts about that fastest time too because I did the next best thing to the perfect race and still came out 13 seconds behind (Tour: 1:56)


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