Video Capture

  • Thread starter jakenj9
Just wondering if anyone here uses HD capture cards or some other device to capture pics and videos??

Just bought the AVerMedia Game Capture HD. Should get it next week. will let you all know what its like...
No, I wish I had the funds to pick up a good capture device. Can't wait to see some footage.

Maybe you could put together some FP Motorsport races, it would benefit everyone, of course I imagine this sort of thing takes tons of time to edit and what not?
I would kill for a video capture device. A look on Amazon shows the AVerMedia Game Capture HD to be around $140 - $150. That's a bit out of my price range right now, but if I could afford it, I would get a lot of use out of it.
No, I wish I had the funds to pick up a good capture device. Can't wait to see some footage.

Maybe you could put together some FP Motorsport races, it would benefit everyone, of course I imagine this sort of thing takes tons of time to edit and what not?

I mainly wanted to get it to capture images as I hate the fact that they get compressed through the storefront. Id also love to have a go at putting together some videos. I guess that someone could record the races and post them on there storefront. But the ingame replay already does a good job....
I would kill for a video capture device. A look on Amazon shows the AVerMedia Game Capture HD to be around $140 - $150. That's a bit out of my price range right now, but if I could afford it, I would get a lot of use out of it.

It seems to be one of the cheapest an dbest of all you dont have to have it hooked up to your PC. The price was around $179 here in OZ. Should get it tuesday. Will give you the full run down later in the week with some examples...
Shoot using bigshot then. BMP is a lossless and uncompressed file, is it not?

8MB + per picture...... I take alot of shots.. Just easier this way. I find uploading to the storefront to cumbersome. You have to then keep deleting images....going back and forth...
8MB + per picture...... I take alot of shots.. Just easier this way. I find uploading to the storefront to cumbersome. You have to then keep deleting images....going back and forth...

I think you are mistaking normal shooting for bigshot. You can only have one bigshop upload at a time and it is 20+ MB. It is a .bmp file not the .png file.
With a capture card, are you only getting the screens resolution then or an upscaled 720p version the game puts out?
I think you are mistaking normal shooting for bigshot. You can only have one bigshop upload at a time and it is 20+ MB. It is a .bmp file not the .png file.
With a capture card, are you only getting the screens resolution then or an upscaled 720p version the game puts out?

Unfortunately here in OZ we dont have super fast broadband. i am on a satelite connection. whilst I do get good speed I am limited to how much I can upload and download... I guess we will se the results later this week. Do you have a link to your bigshots havent really looked at any yet..
Unfortunately here in OZ we dont have super fast broadband. i am on a satelite connection. whilst I do get good speed I am limited to how much I can upload and download... I guess we will se the results later this week. Do you have a link to your bigshots havent really looked at any yet..

I am sorry to hear about the internet issue. That's no fun. I couldnt go with limited bandwidth. I am already at 33GB downloaded today. eek!! If I were to post a bigshot, it would be downsized. The original size from the game is 3840x2160 pixels and Flickr only allows a max size of 1024 px for their free account. If interested, I could save a bigshot as a jpeg and send it to you via email in original size. It is 3.5MB file though.
I have been using a Dazzle 80 for all of my videos for at least 7 years without a single problem. You can get a Dazzle 80 on ebay for about $20.00 or just go to the store and buy a new one. Very easy to use.

Can you use the Dazzle to record gameplay (HD or SD) while playing in HD? I have my xbox connected to my monitor with HDMI at 1080p, and don't want to play in SD just to record.
Yes I think you would have to play in SD to record with the Dazzle in SD that I have pictured above. But maybe there is a new HD dazzle on the market you can buy.
Well I gave had a chance to play around and here are the results... They have been cropped to remove some daggy edges that I get....
...Note I have captured some videos aswell and have been impressed with the results, however I have not uploaded them to you tube yet. works out about 100Mb per lap in 1080i










In the process of resizing the video for upload now...
Check out my sig :D That is the best way to do it if you want HD ($$$). If not, then go with a Dazzle DVC via USB to your computer. AFAIK, with the Dazzle you will need to toggle your 360 to display HD and not HD all the time. Or spend a little more $ if they have an HD one (likely using component cables).

But if you know anything about recording videos, the USB connection drops tons of frames constantly because of the slow USB speed :rolleyes: But for pics, you should be fine.
