No, I wish I had the funds to pick up a good capture device. Can't wait to see some footage.
Maybe you could put together some FP Motorsport races, it would benefit everyone, of course I imagine this sort of thing takes tons of time to edit and what not?
I would kill for a video capture device. A look on Amazon shows the AVerMedia Game Capture HD to be around $140 - $150. That's a bit out of my price range right now, but if I could afford it, I would get a lot of use out of it.
I mainly wanted to get it to capture images as I hate the fact that they get compressed through the storefront.
Shoot using bigshot then. BMP is a lossless and uncompressed file, is it not?
8MB + per picture...... I take alot of shots.. Just easier this way. I find uploading to the storefront to cumbersome. You have to then keep deleting images....going back and forth...
I think you are mistaking normal shooting for bigshot. You can only have one bigshop upload at a time and it is 20+ MB. It is a .bmp file not the .png file.
With a capture card, are you only getting the screens resolution then or an upscaled 720p version the game puts out?
Unfortunately here in OZ we dont have super fast broadband. i am on a satelite connection. whilst I do get good speed I am limited to how much I can upload and download... I guess we will se the results later this week. Do you have a link to your bigshots havent really looked at any yet..