Originally posted by sn00pie
Cool! What exactly are you getting?
Originally posted by milefile
I got a Dell Inspiron 8200
Intel 1.6 P4
15 inch UXGA
256 RAM
20 GB HD
32 MB NVIDIA GeForce 3D card
Integrated Ethernet card
I don't need a huge HD becasue I'm networking it and my current machine will become like a file server and it has 20GB left on it.
My current tower machine is: 800 mhz, 196 RAM and 40 GB HD. I figure if 800 mhz has never given me any problems 1.6 ought to be plenty. I just don't know whart anyone needs with a 2.8 Ghz processor.
But anyway, I'm pretty psyched, and it's a step up in everything except the HD.
Originally posted by rjensen11
First off, what type of processor is it? If it's Celeron, upgrade, because those are crap. From its clock speed, it looks like it's too low for a modern P4(But then again, I couldn't find Inspiron 8200 on Dell's website...), but definately too high for a PIII, so maybe a Centrino? I would definately upgrade your hard drive, though. Even though you're going to have your other computer act as a file server, I would suggest getting maybe a 30GB hard drive. Windows XP requires at least 5GB for it's OS, then you'll need to install an office suit(Microsoft, OpenOffice, etc), which will take up more disk space. Then programs for web editing and the like, probably. You'll also want a picture editor, which will take up more. Basically, you'll notice that with 20GB, you will lose space pretty rapidly, especially if you want to do any video editing...
2.8 Ghz.... I would only have 2.8 if it were in a desktop or a server. I wouldn't want it in a notebook because as of now, it would be WAY too hot... If you can, I would suggest getting an ATI video/graphics card. ATI has better detail, while nVidia is more for clock cycles. If you are willing, though, you could try putting Linux on your notebook sometime.... I'm still trying to figure out how to view Windows partitions over the network from a Linux box, but I havn't really tried too hard, and I'm sure that there are some distros that make it easier than Slackware...
If you have any comments or anything, feel free to email me.
Originally posted by Sage
Milefile - No Fireworks? Fireworks is like the greatest thing in the world, especially with the excellent integration with Dreamweaver (you can't get anywhere near the same level of integration with Dreamweaver and Photoshop). Trust me, at least keep Fireworks for a while... I think you'll love it.
Originally posted by milefile
RIght now my Linux machine is ****. Not even powerful enough to run Gnome. Kind of a waste since it was supposed to be for me to test scripts but I just do it on my PEHosting space since the router isn't configured to let anyone in, and even if it was, it'd be too weak to work well.
Heh, that's kind of interesting, because it's been the exact opposite for me ... I had a hard time figuring out Photoshop, but I think Fireworks is a piece of cake (and one can't deny how helpful it is that Fireworks has a full set of vector tools to work with ).Originally posted by milefile
I can always add it. I'm just so familiar with Photoshop. Every time I try to use fireworks I get stumped for 0.5 seconds and I just go do it in Photoshop. I do want to learn it, though. I can be very impatient.
I know. I oughta use some of the features, huh? I have a bad habit of learning programs in pieces. If somthing doesn't work right away I just do it the long way rather than figuring out the program. Then I go back and get it later. I don't remember what it was but somthing didn't work when I tried to use the FTP. I probably hadn't entered the information correctly. And I've only worked on that one site sice I've had it. Maybe I can email my questions to youOriginally posted by Sage
BTW, you do know that Dreamweaver has FTP support built right into it, right? (The best feeling in the world is to finish something in Dreamweaver, just press Command+Shift+U, and butta-bing, butta-boom, it's uploaded )
Heh heh, sure! I don't mind... and I've become pretty familar with Dreamweaver. (I'm not even close to having explored every vast thing you can do in there, but I can do what I need to get done without any problem) I'm not quite as handy with Fireworks, but I'd be more 'n happy to help you with that too.Originally posted by milefile
Maybe I can email my questions to you
Originally posted by milefile
In August I plan to take a course at the local community college. It's an introduction to computer science for majors. Doing it on my own is just too inefficient and slow. I'll benefit from the structure, expertise, and community of a class. I'm going for the big package, a total career change. Playing with PHP and Java in my spare time is great but not enough. I got the notebook so I could set it up in the family room and not have to isolate myself in that hot, cramped computer room at my house. Especially with the baby, I hate being stuck back there all by myself. It'll be nice to have an idea I want to try and instead of walking across the house I'll just move three feet and still be available, and cool.
rjensen11, I ended up with Red Hat, my uncle-in-law's choice.
Radeon is the brand from the company ATIOriginally posted by Giancarlo
Does Radeon make video cards? They're so much better than GeForce cards (not neccessarily more expensive, though.. ).
Originally posted by milefile
I had this plan to network the notebook by running a wire up the wall from a jack, accross the attic, and down a wall in the family room, right were I'll use it most of the time. So I got the wire and jacks and cut the holes for the jacks. Then I went up in the attic and realized it's pretty much impossible to finish. The slope of my roof is so low that I can't even crawl to where I need to drop the wire down for the jack. So now I have these holes (albeit small) for nothing. And I have to figure out another way to run the wire, an invisible way, says the wife, and I tend to agree. It was such a great plan.
I'd love to do a wireless but I just bought my wired router a month ago and I'm not too into getting another one already. I didn't know I'd be getting a notebook so soon then. I plan to run the wire straight through the wall and down under the carpet around the edge of the room. In one spot it'll go accross for about two or three feet. But nobody walks there unless we have company. And this means I have twice as much wire as I needed. What a pain.Originally posted by rjensen11
Heh, we ended up having to drill two holes, to the outside of our house. This was because my dad got the brilliant idea of ethernet networking AFTER we got our attic insullated again.... Since you're using a notebook, have you considered using a wireless LAN? If you placed your wireless router closest to the centre of your house, you should get pretty good coverage... This also means that you won't be limited to your distance by how long the cord is, and it also reduces the chance of Alex tripping over the cord once he starts to walk.
Originally posted by milefile
I got a Dell Inspiron 8200
Intel 1.6 P4
15 inch UXGA
256 RAM
20 GB HD
32 MB NVIDIA GeForce 3D card
Integrated Ethernet card
I don't need a huge HD becasue I'm networking it and my current machine will become like a file server and it has 20GB left on it.
My current tower machine is: 800 mhz, 196 RAM and 40 GB HD. I figure if 800 mhz has never given me any problems 1.6 ought to be plenty. I just don't know whart anyone needs with a 2.8 Ghz processor.
But anyway, I'm pretty psyched, and it's a step up in everything except the HD.
Nice! My Dad has a crappy Compaq Presario. I don't know what model though...Originally posted by milefile
I got a Dell Inspiron 8200
Intel 1.6 P4
15 inch UXGA
256 RAM
20 GB HD
32 MB NVIDIA GeForce 3D card
Integrated Ethernet card
I don't need a huge HD becasue I'm networking it and my current machine will become like a file server and it has 20GB left on it.
My current tower machine is: 800 mhz, 196 RAM and 40 GB HD. I figure if 800 mhz has never given me any problems 1.6 ought to be plenty. I just don't know whart anyone needs with a 2.8 Ghz processor.
But anyway, I'm pretty psyched, and it's a step up in everything except the HD.
Originally posted by milefile
Well I fired it up last night. Very nice. I'm happy. Especially that my cabling project worked, including attaching my own connectors. *phew* That would've been great... two evenings worth of work down the tubes. Now all I need to do is figure out the networking with my other machines. If anyone knows about file sharing and drive mapping a new XP laptop, an old 98 machine, and a Red Hat machine, please do share. The Linux and 98 boxes are already connected and sharing drives through a router/switch. Now I want to add the XP laptop and I didn't have much luck/time last night.
Originally posted by rjensen11
I'd help you out man, but right now I'm kind of tired because for the past week I've been helping an aunt of mine move. Man, if I feel how I do now, I wonder how bad I'll feel once I'm 30, then 50, then 80!