Video Mode

  • Thread starter Metalsun
Puerto Rico
Puerto Rico
I use the Photo Mode feature a lot, then export my shots to photo editing software. I was thinking of trying to make some videos, and it hit me, "What about a Video Mode feature?" Sure, you can record your car already, but you can only express yourself with what PD tells you.

After making your run, replay, pause and enter Video Mode as you would do normally in Photo Mode.

  • You and not PD, could specify which of the cameras to use that are available in that point in the track.
  • You could activate a close-up camera that is locked-on the car at a specific point-of-view determined either by PD or user specified like in Photo Mode.
  • Run the video in record mode for a specific time either by stopping or specifying the time/no. frames.
  • Review, save to videos, export via USB and import to your computer for use in a video editing software.

Once it is in your computer, the sky is the limit in the effects you want to edit in, including sounds and music.

Don't have a computer or video editing software. Then you can use the same features as in Photo Mode to create a dynamic depth-of-field. For example, focus on one race car then change to one that is closer while they are racing. Dynamic shutter speed to vary the frame rate. Coming on a corner, go to "slow-mo" when hitting the curb and watch the wheel bounce, then normal speed again. PD could also provide in-game filters and wipes. After you have all your shots, then a basic in-game editor can paste the different video clips in your desired order and save it as a video file ready for export to...facebook, youtube, gtplanet, etc.

Simple, right? Well, I don't know, it could be complicated as hell, but at least some of the things are in the game now.