Viper GTS '02 side hood decal, how?

United States
Space Coast
When I try to place a decal on the side of the hood it skews and becomes distorted. What's the trick to place a decal here to match up with one on the side of the car? Played around with projection area option with no luck. Seems silly that this wouldn't be possible.
Try choosing the side view camera angle before choosing a sticker for the bonnet 💡
It's near impossible, I've spent ages messing around with it on other cars that have bonnets that wrap around to the side of the car such as the M6.
It doesn't matter which view you use (top or side), which projection method you use or any combination of both.
Due to it having to stretch around the side of the bonnet, which I guess is expecting to be a flat area it just does not allow you to move the decal round to the side.
It's the same for example as having the rear view and then trying to move a decal round to the side of the car. It distorts and is not possible
Surely, using 'Align With Camera' (AWC) and moving the camera round so you're lined up square with the side of the bonnet should work ok?! You may need to play with the depth and angles also, but in every other scenario AWC works ok such as placing decals on the sides of the RSR's mirrors (which skew if you move them round from the front).
As I said, I've tried all of that. It doesn't work.

You can see from my livery, the decal on the bonnet above the wing vent is as close to moving it to the side as possible without it distorting
..I'm sorry to say, but if you did indeed try Align With Camera and found that to not work, that's either a technical limitation or you not doing it right.

You do know how you're supposed to Align With Camera? It pops up with the crosshair, you move the camera to the position and angle you want to align with and only *then* do you go on to select decals?

Or, to put it another way: do you want to put it on a "flat" bit on the side or do you want to put it on a bendy bit? 'Cause Align With Camera can fully eliminate distortion in one scenario and severely limit it in the other.
You do know how you're supposed to Align With Camera? It pops up with the crosshair, you move the camera to the position and angle you want to align with and only *then* do you go on to select decals?

Thank you for explaining this, works great. I have not used this tool before, but should come in handy in the future.