Thanks for the post - I also have a VR3 and wanted to add a buttkicker. A couple questions if I may...
I have a 32" lcd attached to the rig via the LCD stand. Do you think the buttkicker would do any possible damage to the monitor? I have never experienced what the buttkicker is like but I don't want to invest the money if I find later it to be harmfully violent to my TV. I was thinking about adding some rubber insulation where the TV mounts to the stand but I don't know if this would help minimize the shake the TV recieves.
Also, I see you have the "Gamer 2" model which is rated at 90 watts. I was also looking into the wireless "advance" model which has 300 watts, more powerful but WAY more expensive. Are you happy with the results with your model? Any complaints? Is it powerful enough? I've heard you can't really tune the buttkicker to simulate the car at idle or revving the engine. It responds more to wind you find this to be true?
Last question...I see a pole in the back of the seat. Is this for your rear speakers? I've contacted Visionracer and they don't currently have any bracket system to mount 5.1 speakers to. I'd love to see how you attached the speakers and some pictures of the ones in the front to if it's not too much trouble.
Thanks in advance,
Jeff G
Seattle, WA