Vitz settings...

  • Thread starter Azuremen


United States
Ok, in the last 5 hours, I've seen posts and links to Vitz settings from numerous people. I figured I'd centralize the issue and shove them all in one thread. I'll name whos used what settings and all that, and for the Pro Vitz race to win, mkay.

Threads that pertain to the Vitz...

Here we go, starting with me

292 HP

Settings - Front / Rear
Spring Rate - 4.6 / 4.2
Ride Hieght - 94 / 94
Shock Bound- 7 / 7
Shock Rebound- 7 / 7
Camber Angle- 3.3 / 2.2
Toe Angle- 0.5 / -0.5
Stablizer- 3 / 4
Brakes- 10 / 10
LSD Inital 5
LSD Accel. 38
LSD Decel. 5

ASM - 0
TCS - 3

Next up is neon_duke

Mods: everything except LW3, brake balancer, and flywheel - 294 hp at start

Settings as follows:
Tires: T2s
Springs: 6.0/6.2
Ride Ht: 89/89
Bound: 4/8
Rebound: 5/9
Camber: 3.5/1.0
Toe: +0.5/-0.5
Stabs: 4/5

Autoset: 22, 25, 27
F/D: 4.312
LSD: 10/15/5
ASM: 0
TCS: 1

Next is RVDNuT374

Spring Rate: 6.7/11.5
Ride Height: 91/98
Shock Bound: 3/7
Shock Rebound: 6/10
Camber: 2.0/0.0
Toe Angle: 0.0/0.0
Stabilizers: 3/7
Brake Balance: 17/24
LSD: 6/11/6
Gear Ratios:

1st: 2.447
3rd: 1.276
4th: 0.996
5th: 0.813
6th: 0.695
Final Drive: 4.360
Auto Setting: 25
ASM: 0

Suggestions from Uncle Harry

Spring Rate: 6.7/11.5 Rear spring way to hard. Try 5.5 and 6.5
Ride Height: 91/98 Ride height 95 front and back
Shock Bound: 3/7 Dampers 6/6
Shock Rebound: 6/10 7/7
Camber: 2.0/0.0 4.0 / 2.0
Toe Angle: 0.0/0.0 0.0/ 0.0
Stabilizers: 3/7 2/3
Brake Balance: 17/24 16/12

LSD: 6/11/6 what you like

Gear Ratios: what you like

1st: 2.447
3rd: 1.276
4th: 0.996
5th: 0.813
6th: 0.695
Final Drive: 4.360
Auto Setting: 25
ASM: 0

Settings from Kensei
Note - These are on the 1.3 L Euro Vitz...

Spring Rate 6.0/12.0
Ride Height 105/110
Shock Bound 4/4
Shock Rebound 8/8
Camber 2.0/0.0
Toe Angle 0.5/0.0
Stabilizers 3/4
Brake Balance 12/24

Initial Torque 5/0
Accel 40/0
Decel 10/0

1st - 2.758
2nd - 1.904
3rd - 1.411
4th - 1.094
5th - 0.888
6th - 0.755
Final - 3.925 (this I adjusted up)
Auto - 27

ASM - 0
TC - 0

If others have settings, put them up here... if this thread already exists... forgive me oh great mods :scared:
Good idea. We had kind of forgotten about the Vitz/Yaris series (it used to be a very popular topic) but it seems a new round of players has gotten there too. Thanks for compiling this!
My settings - fromthis thread:

Yaris 1.5 RS, 280hp @ Rome Reverse (Pro/Vitz Trophy)
Tyres; T3 Front, T5 Rear
Springs; 7.0 Front, 9.5 Rear
Ride Height; 89 Front, 92 Rear
Damper Bound; 10 Front, 10 Rear
Damper Rebound; 10 Front, 10 Rear
Camber; 2.5 Front, 2.0 Rear
Toe; -1.0 Front, -2.0 Rear
Stabilisers; 4 Front, 4 Rear
Brakes; 22 Front, 19 Rear
LSD Initial; 5 Front, 0 Rear
LSD Accel; 5 Front, 0 Rear
LSD Decel; 5 Front, 0 Rear
Gears; Final 3.600 @ Auto 15
ASM 0, TCS 0

For the gear ratios, you may or may not know the "Tranny trick". For this trick you:
Move Final Drive full right (hold down R1...)
Move AutoGear full right, one step at a time, then full left. Now Auto is minimum @ maximum Final...
Move Final to the desired value - and only ever move the Final ratio to adjust ratios track-to-track.
Yaris 1.5 RS, 280hp @ Rome Reverse (Pro/Vitz Trophy)
Tyres; T3 Front, T5 Rear
Springs; 7.0 Front, 9.5 Rear
Ride Height; 89 Front, 92 Rear
Damper Bound; 10 Front, 10 Rear
Damper Rebound; 10 Front, 10 Rear
Camber; 2.5 Front, 2.0 Rear
Toe; -1.0 Front, -2.0 Rear
Stabilisers; 4 Front, 4 Rear
Brakes; 22 Front, 19 Rear
LSD Initial; 5 Front, 0 Rear
LSD Accel; 5 Front, 0 Rear
LSD Decel; 5 Front, 0 Rear
Gears; Final 3.600 @ Auto 15
ASM 0, TCS 0
Howdy!! Here's what i did in the sh-Vitz SSR11 race:
Brand new, light blue Vitz, i'd won previously and i loaded on the HP to 294, after oil change! I used the same settings as above, (suggested by Famine, TY) except, camber 3.5f/2.5r and i used TCS 1, and Racing Trasmission setting at 24, manual, not automatic.
Qualified 1st, 2'10,844, using Soft rear tires and medium soft front!!
Race: I get ahead, untill i reach the full turn under the brigde, where i get bumped from behind and the side, but i managed to keep my lead, untill i reach the turn, just prior to the second check point, where i get bumped from behind and the side and into the wall. I'm now 3rd. As i reach the last turn and still getting bumped from behind and the side,.... i'm now 5th, but i gain time and positions in the straight. as i cross the end of lap 1 in 3rd place. Reaching the second check point, i'm already +3,8 seconds behind the lead keeps about the same and as i start the 3rd lap, still in 3rd position, i'm +4'6 seconds behind lead car. It stays about the same, as i start lap #4, still +4'4 behind and, i cross the second check point at +5'5. I cross the start of lap 5 at +3'8 and i pass the #2 car at the first corner. (the last two cars pit)I'm now in 2nd position, lead car in sight :mischievous: Crossed the second check point at +0'7, and i pass the lead car at the chicane. I'm now in 1st position.(yea 👍 ) By now, my front tires are yellow/orange edges and the rear a light green. :irked: Slowly making ground from the #2 car and as i cross the start of lap #6, the remaining 3 cars behind me, pit. 👍 I cross the second check point at -27'4 :boggled: Started lap #7, at first check point, i'm at -25'2. Lap #8, at first check point at -22'4. My front tires are now orange/red edges and rear tires almost yellow, and i'm already sliding :nervous: Lap #9, second check point at -11'7 :nervous:, Front tires are red and rear are yellow and i'm really sliding 👎 Started lap #10, first check point at -7'0 :scared:
and the last 2 cars, pit. I'm driving on ice, since the front tires are glowing red, i'm crawling and.... i see car lights behind me :scared: But..i manage to stay ahead and cross the "FINISH LINE" at -5'8 :cheers: Fastest lap at: 2'09,402. Good enough, but, i will try it again with different tires and settings 👍 Thanks, to all that gave good ..input! :cheers:
My previous race, i finished with a time of: 23'11.629

Here's what i did on my next try: Limited slip initial: 5
Same blue Vitz(Blitz) 294 HP '' ' '' accel.: 5
Qualified 1st, with T6f and T7r tires. " ' " decel.: 5
For the race, i used T2f and T5r tires.
Spring rate: 10.5f/12.0r Gear ratio level: 23
Ride height: 94mm f/r Final 3.900
Shock bound: 5f/r
Shock rebound: 10f/r ASM: 0
Camber angle: 3.8f/3.0r TCS: 1
Toe angle: -1.5f/-2.0r
Stabilizers: 7 f/r (found out in the race, that 6th gear 0.847 tops out)
Brake balance: 18f/17r (should be lowered to 0.820 approx.)

I lost the lead at the second check point of lap 1 , till mid of lap 3, i got in front then and ...never looked back 👍
Finished: 1 st: 22'47.453 Fastest lap of: 2'12.+
2 nd: +33.107
3 rd : 35.253
4 th : 43.938
5 th : 45.096
6 th : 48.344
Although, my fastest lap, was not as good as my previous attempt, the overall race, was alot better. I'm getting the...feel..of it!! 👍 Thanks again for the input!!
Practice, makes...perfect? Almost! Persistence!:)
I used the 1.5 Yaris with 272 hp, road gearing, the only things I changed were to put soft slicks on front and rear, and turn aids off.

Won all the races, the closest was the test course. Won that by 0.9 seconds, I had a speed limit of 210 kph, seemed the AIs were about the same. It was kinda hard and exhausting because for the whole race I had to blend the throttle to 95% or so, so as not to hit the rev limiter and have the power bounce-back.
I like Famine's settings best of the one's I've tried.
They make for a really decently handling car the goes where it's pointed, and tends to do so rather quickly.👍
All of these settings work to reduce understeer. You will still experiance push under hard gas no matter what... but each one has various amounts to tail play in the settings... mine allow for nice trail braking and work well with my mildly agressive FF style
My settings - fromthis thread:

Yaris 1.5 RS, 280hp @ Rome Reverse (Pro/Vitz Trophy)
Tyres; T3 Front, T5 Rear
Springs; 7.0 Front, 9.5 Rear
Ride Height; 89 Front, 92 Rear
Damper Bound; 10 Front, 10 Rear
Damper Rebound; 10 Front, 10 Rear
Camber; 2.5 Front, 2.0 Rear
Toe; -1.0 Front, -2.0 Rear
Stabilisers; 4 Front, 4 Rear
Brakes; 22 Front, 19 Rear
LSD Initial; 5 Front, 0 Rear
LSD Accel; 5 Front, 0 Rear
LSD Decel; 5 Front, 0 Rear
Gears; Final 3.600 @ Auto 15
ASM 0, TCS 0

For the gear ratios, you may or may not know the "Tranny trick". For this trick you:
Move Final Drive full right (hold down R1...)
Move AutoGear full right, one step at a time, then full left. Now Auto is minimum @ maximum Final...
Move Final to the desired value - and only ever move the Final ratio to adjust ratios track-to-track.
Could you give me the setup for test course please ???
I've been also in same situation: The professional Vitz is so hard because the opponents are faster which makes us a lot harder than the beginner Vitz. Moreover, it caused more frustration to me because I couldn't win an championship... I cried lot... I was so young...