Voter Responsibility

  • Thread starter Danoff


United States
Mile High City
I've been coming to GTPlanet for almost 8 years now and posting a lot of controversial opinions in this forum. I've advocated for abolishing public education, legalizing drugs, and pulling the plug on Teri Schaivo. I've argued that there is no God, and that religion is a control mechanism, and I've even argued a very controversial position on abortion. I've gotten a lot of heat for a lot of these ideas and have been called some nasty things. But none of those positions have been met with as much disgust and animosity as when I claim voters are responsible for the things they vote for.

Yesterday, here in California, we voted on whether or not Marijuana should be legal. A massive portion of the population voted "yes". An even more massive portion of the population voted "no". The result? Marijuana is still illegal.

Now, regardless of whether you vote yes or no, you're not responsible for the independent choices people make after the vote. If you voted yes and the proposition passes - you're not responsible for the guy who gets high, goes for a drive, and kills 3 people in an accident. He's not allowed to kill people in a car accident regardless of whether or not he's allowed to get high. Likewise, if you voted "no", you're not responsible for the murders that the drug dealers will likely commit to stop rivals from selling pot, or to protect their own supply.

What you are responsible for is what must be done to carry out the instructions you give at the voting booth with your little marker. If you voted yesterday to keep marijuana illegal, you're responsible for incarcerating the people who use and sell it. If there's a drug bust in search of marijuana, you're responsible for that drug bust. You asked for it to be done. You asked the cops to bust in the door, guns in hand, looking for weed. You're also responsible for the money that is necessarily spent to carry out your instructions. The guy who sits in jail for a marijuana-related offense is there because of your vote. You put him there.

Some of you will say that he put himself there. That he knew the law and he willingly broke it. This is beside the point - people will break laws. You need to be ok with who you ask to be put behind bars.

If there were a vote on whether or not to keep murder illegal, you would undoubtedly vote to keep it illegal. You would do this because you are comfortable with being responsible for incarcerating a murderer. Yes, he broke the law, he knew what the law was - but he did not put himself in jail, and neither did the cop that arrested him. You put him there by voting to make murder illegal.

This is the power that your vote can have - especially in a state like California where we vote directly on some laws. But the same applies to a politician that makes a campaign promise that you support with your vote. If that politician takes office and does what he promised you he would, your vote mandated that change.

We have a tendency in the US to say that voting is a good thing regardless of what or who you vote for. There are massive pushes like "rock the vote" to get young or homeless people - often people who didn't care enough to register, let alone research what they're voting on - to vote. This is done in the name of "making your voice heard". I've heard many times "it doesn't matter who you vote for, just vote". That's a contradictory statement. If it doesn't matter who you vote for, don't vote.

In theory, in a nation like the US, there is no harm you can do with your vote. You can't strip anyone's rights, you can't oppress anyone, you can't discriminate - the judicial system (especially the supreme court) is there to make sure that no matter who or what you vote for, you can't violate anyone's rights. That's the theory behind our constitutionally-limited republic. In practice, we function more like a democracy. Real oppression is currently taking place in the united states. Rights are currently being violated - and done so as a direct result of voter mandates. If the US were limited the way it is supposed to be, your vote wouldn't mean much at all. But as it stands right now, your vote is capable of supporting a wide variety of injustices - and that makes you culpable in those injustices.

I would like to see a campaign that says "don't vote unless you've done plenty of research". I understand why we don't have limitations on who is allowed to vote, but I want people to understand that their vote has meaning, and it carries with it instructions to use the force of the police and the military. This is not something to take casually. Socially we are emphasizing the wrong aspect of voting. Rather than emphasizing that the act of voting is what's important, and that all opinions are created equally, we should be emphasizing that what you vote for is critical - and that you need to live with the decisions you make in the voting booth.

I think the reason people are so resistant to feeling responsible for the vote is because many others are voting along with them. They like to think that they aren't as responsible because others made the same choice. They like to think that their opinions are equivalent to any other opinions - regardless of how much thought, reason, or research supports those opinions. They like to think that the will of the majority is what is right - and that if most people think it should be so, it should be. But the majority can commit horrible atrocities just as individuals can. Other people agreeing with you doesn't make you any less culpable. And not all opinions are supported equally.

I realize that this is a day late, but I'll say it anyway. Next time you're in the voting booth, visualize what you're asking for being carried out. If you're voting for something to be handed out, visualize who it is being taken from, and at what penalty. If you're voting to strip people of their personal freedoms, visualize the human beings that value those freedoms having their liberty taken from them by force. Visualize yourself as the person that is forcing them. Voting may be one of the most important things you do in your lifetime. Take it as seriously as you can.
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I don't currently have the time or energy to add anything verbose, but it might be worth also discussing the consequences of opting not to vote, opting to "spoil" the paper (an option I have carried out in the past) and opting not to vote for a party but to register a protest by voting against them (as happened in the UK very recently) - these acts all confer a similar amount of responsibility for them.
Yesterday, here in California, we voted on whether or not Marijuana should be legal. A massive portion of the population voted "yes". An even more massive portion of the population voted "no". The result? Marijuana is still illegal.

You're talking about a referendum about a specific question,right?

But the same applies to a politician that makes a campaign promise that you support with your vote. If that politician takes office and does what he promised you he would, your vote mandated that change.

But then You would be voting for a program,with multiple proposals and You could agree with some,and disagree with others!
Example I voted for a party that had a economic program for the country that was better,in my POV, than the others that were presented to me,although in the same government proposal they had a position on abortion which I disagreed with.If they had won,which unfortunately wasn't the case and we had a bad budget which contributed for the current economic chaos we live in,and implemented the proposed solution on abortion,which they would, obviously, was I ,directly,responsible for the consequences of that solution?

If it doesn't matter who you vote for, don't vote.
I don't currently have the time or energy to add anything verbose, but it might be worth also discussing the consequences of opting not to vote, opting to "spoil" the paper (an option I have carried out in the past) and opting not to vote for a party but to register a protest by voting against them (as happened in the UK very recently) - these acts all confer a similar amount of responsibility for them.
I actually put a bit of thought into the first one yesterday when I went to vote. I was wondering whether or not it would be better not to vote for a certain position when I didn't particularly agree with any of the candidates, rather than just voting for the one I hated the least. I ended up choosing the former for the Governor's position, but it has been sorta bothering me ever since.
I actually put a bit of thought into the first one yesterday when I went to vote. I was wondering whether or not it would be better not to vote for a certain position when I didn't particularly agree with any of the candidates, rather than just voting for the one I hated the least. I ended up choosing the former for the Governor's position, but it has been sorta bothering me ever since.

I understand and feel what you're saying. Luckily, our State issued an option for some positions with "none of the above" because some of the candidates were dirty.
You're talking about a referendum about a specific question,right?

But then You would be voting for a program,with multiple proposals and You could agree with some,and disagree with others!
Example I voted for a party that had a economic program for the country that was better,in my POV, than the others that were presented to me,although in the same government proposal they had a position on abortion which I disagreed with.If they had won,which unfortunately wasn't the case and we had a bad budget which contributed for the current economic chaos we live in,and implemented the proposed solution on abortion,which they would, obviously, was I ,directly,responsible for the consequences of that solution?


Would it be nice if all voters for one party could contractually agree to a strict guideline where politician would be obliged to follow the written contract and not deviate from it or be fired. Better yet just have a strict guideline to an agenda and hire a competent staff to implement it and vote them all in office from the President all the way down to the senate. :crazy:
I understand and feel what you're saying. Luckily, our State issued an option for some positions with "none of the above" because some of the candidates were dirty.
Omnis and I were talking about the "none of the above" option. It turns out that the person with the most votes still wins the office, even if "none of the above" actually did win. It's in Nevada's constitution.

You can't just not have a governor. Voting "none of the above" was literally no better than simply skipping over the category altogether. If none of the candidates got any vote at all, and "none of the above" swept the floor, then there would have to be a special election, and of course somebody would get elected to office. The only practical use for "none of the above" would be if you weren't allowed to skip over the category without picking something.

Anyway, I really can't argue with anything Danoff has said. I understand voter responsibility completely, I've tried to find something that doesn't make sense, and I see it as a fact that can't be argued against. To argue against it is to be wrong, plain and simple.
It's not trolling if it's a well thought-out and laid-out opinion that he has a reason for posting. While I disagree with Danoff on many things (I'm pro-public education, against abortion), I have a hard time finding fault with his reasoning. Which is why we debate, rather than fight.

When you post something controversial off-the-cuff without good reasoning to back it up, people will call you out on it. Sometimes, even if your position is well thought out, people will call you out on it. It's on how you defend it that its merits are seen.


As to the original topic... I wholeheartedly agree. It sickens me how many people simply throw away their votes or vote for something or someone just because.

I may not use marijuana and I detest its use, but I don't think that it should be illegal... or any more illegal than smoking or chewing tobacco, imbibing caffeine, drinking alcohol or eating massive quantities of chocolate. It's sad when cultural inertia takes precedence over human rights, but then... that's what you get in a public vote... majority rules. I just wish the damn majority would use their brains every now and then.
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It's trolling if you say, "Well, that's your opinion," when it isn't.
It's trolling if you say, "Well, that's your opinion," when it isn't.

That's your opinion. :)

I think most people understand, within certain limitations, the consequences of their vote, but it is sometimes extremely difficult — if not impossible — to understand exactly what the outcome will be if a voter chooses one option or another.

Not to drag this thread out of context, but I would say an example of an "unintended consequence" of legalizing something that was formerly illegal would mean that many court cases would have to be re-tried (which is fine, from the standpoint of basic rights), but what if that meant an immense backlog of other criminal court cases were now delayed to protect the innocent?

What if by voting for something, one waits for approval, but later riders are tacked on since elected officials couldn't agree on the first version of a bill; thus, there's the very real possibility of "compromise" via making the other party/committee happy with additional laws/rules/revisions that had nothing much to do with what the voted was intending to approve?

We burden a bit of responsibility at the booth, and one of the most detestable of all is the political whiner who didn't bother to vote, but there's only so much one can expect when voting, and that generally winds up as the "lesser of two evils". Some people will do a ton of research, some will merely listen to political TV advertisements, and some will just vote along their party lines, regardless of any other consequences or whether they're fit to take the job once elected.

I can't say voting is at all a bad thing, but usually the truly uncaring or unsure voter will just vote for one or two things, and forget that there's a Water and Soil Conservation District race up for grabs, and/or skip all the state constitutional amendments, out of difficulty understanding what is saying. Most (although, likely all) people will vote out of their own self-interest, generally in the short-term; that's not say that everyone has short-sighted vision of the future, but that so many things could derail plans for the future due to term limits, economic changes, budget changes, scandals/theft/graft, and many other unforeseen consequences.
Um, if I'm not responsible for the guy who killed someone in a car by driving while high, then I'm not responsible for the guy sitting in jail because he broke the law I voted to keep. (Which I didn't, I'm not in California, but in all honesty, I would have voted against legalization.)

On the one side, you've relieved me of the responsibility for someone else's decision, and on the other you've burdened me with it. You can't have it both ways.
Um, if I'm not responsible for the guy who killed someone in a car by driving while high, then I'm not responsible for the guy sitting in jail because he broke the law I voted to keep. (Which I didn't, I'm not in California, but in all honesty, I would have voted against legalization.)

On the one side, you've relieved me of the responsibility for someone else's decision, and on the other you've burdened me with it. You can't have it both ways.

That would be the case if driving while high was legal.
Um, if I'm not responsible for the guy who killed someone in a car by driving while high, then I'm not responsible for the guy sitting in jail because he broke the law I voted to keep. (Which I didn't, I'm not in California, but in all honesty, I would have voted against legalization.)

On the one side, you've relieved me of the responsibility for someone else's decision, and on the other you've burdened me with it. You can't have it both ways.

You didn't make getting into a car accident legal. You made smoking pot illegal. That is the difference.
If there were a vote on whether or not to keep murder illegal, you would undoubtedly vote to keep it illegal. You would do this because you are comfortable with being responsible for incarcerating a murderer. Yes, he broke the law, he knew what the law was - but he did not put himself in jail, and neither did the cop that arrested him. You put him there by voting to make murder illegal.

By the same token, there is probably nobody alive today who can be fairly described as being directly responsible for the existing laws against murder... no-one alive today has likely ever consciously voted to make or keep murder illegal. It is simply the law, and it is unlikely to be challenged because it is a just and correct law. So, who today is responsible for the fact that murderers can have cops come to their door, gun in hand, and empowered to deprive them of their liberty? Certainly not present day voters - even if they are completely in favour of the law, they are not responsible for it... arguably, it is the fact that murder itself is an immoral act that deserves punishment that necessitated the law ever existing at all, and the fact that "people will break laws" justifies the existence of law enforcement agents and the use of force in their apprehension.

Similarly, present day voters cannot be accurately described as being responsible for the existence of existing laws, unless they have actually voted to implement or keep that law. Until such a time as a voter is given an explicit option to vote for something different, they cannot and should not be accused of being morally culpable for existing laws or their enforcement, which is why I regard some of your previous statements as wrong. Voters may well be responsible for their actions, but at the same time, their responsibilities for and their opportunities to rectify existing laws (and how they are enforced) are extremely limited.
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That kind of backs up the argument that if you have to vote on a law it's probably a bad one or has nothing to do with protecting rights.
...Present day voters cannot be accurately described as being responsible for the existence of existing laws, unless they have actually voted to implement or keep that law. Until such a time as a voter is given an explicit option to vote for something different, they cannot and should not be accused of being morally culpable for existing laws or their enforcement...Voters may well be responsible for their actions, but at the same time, their responsibilities for and their opportunities to rectify existing laws (and how they are enforced) are extremely limited.

Here is a quasi-real world question:

In two certain countries, at least until very recently, it was legal for men to kill their unfaithful wives, and some did.
Country A was a democracy and the people voted on this law.
Country B was a sort of dictatorship and the people did not vote in any meaningful way.

In Country A, is one who voted for the law morally culpable for murder of an unfaithful wife?

In case B is an offended man who kills his unfaithful wife morally culpable of murder?

Lastly, is an American tourist who visits and spends money in either of these two countries in any way morally culpable for murders that occur there?
By the same token, there is probably nobody alive today who can be fairly described as being directly responsible for the existing laws against murder... no-one alive today has likely ever consciously voted to make or keep murder illegal. It is simply the law, and it is unlikely to be challenged because it is a just and correct law. So, who today is responsible for the fact that murderers can have cops come to their door, gun in hand, and empowered to deprive them of their liberty? Certainly not present day voters - even if they are completely in favour of the law, they are not responsible for it... arguably, it is the fact that murder itself is an immoral act that deserves punishment that necessitated the law ever existing at all, and the fact that "people will break laws" justifies the existence of law enforcement agents and the use of force in their apprehension.

Similarly, present day voters cannot be accurately described as being responsible for the existence of existing laws, unless they have actually voted to implement or keep that law. Until such a time as a voter is given an explicit option to vote for something different, they cannot and should not be accused of being morally culpable for existing laws or their enforcement, which is why I regard some of your previous statements as wrong. Voters may well be responsible for their actions, but at the same time, their responsibilities for and their opportunities to rectify existing laws (and how they are enforced) are extremely limited.

I agree with most of what you said - except for the part about me being wrong :P. It has been a long time since anyone in the US had the option of making murder legal or illegal - it was done during the drafting of our government when we incorporated that part of English common law, and I doubt it has been voted on since (maybe for black people who had no rights for a period of time).

The murder example was intended for clarification only, but the murder example actually breaks down further as the right to life is a basic human right. And no one can be justifiably prevented from defending or enforcing human rights.

All of that being said, we have the opportunity to pass laws or vote (or voice) in support of campaign promises that violate basic rights all the time. One example would be President Obama's campaign promise to unequally raise taxes on the rich (which he is carrying out). This is a violation of equal protection, and something which many people supported during his election. As stated earlier, that support shouldn't matter. Our supreme court should strike down any unequal income tax proposal as unconstitutional - but we live in a time when our supreme court justices are selected specifically for their bias against certain constitutional guarantees by politicians who wish to remain in office.

In two certain countries, at least until very recently, it was legal for men to kill their unfaithful wives, and some did.
Country A was a democracy and the people voted on this law.
Country B was a sort of dictatorship and the people did not vote in any meaningful way.

In Country A, is one who voted for the law morally culpable for murder of an unfaithful wife?

Absolutely. I don't see any possible way that they would not be.

In case B is an offended man who kills his unfaithful wife morally culpable of murder?

Absolutely. I don't see any possible way that he would not be.

Lastly, is an American tourist who visits and spends money in either of these two countries in any way morally culpable for murders that occur there?

You could ask the same of an American who stays home and spends money in America being culpable of the rights violations committed by the government that uses those taxes. You're entitled to your rights - which includes the liberty to travel and trade. The fact that tax money is forced from you when you do this does not make you responsible for the misuses of that tax money. It is a force used against you for exercising your rights.

Now, donations are a different story.
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Now, donations are a different story.

How about the American businessman that sets up a factory in a country that condones the killing of unfaithful wives? Does he bear moral culpability for such a murder, or for other unsavory practices of his host country?
In Country A, is one who voted for the law morally culpable for murder of an unfaithful wife?
I would say no. The murderer is entirely responsible for his own actions - the legality is irrelevant. Voters and those who brought about the law allowing these murders to happen legally do not make the murders happen, nor do they change the fact that murder is immoral, even if it were legal. They would be responsible for the fact that the murderer's actions would not be punishable, but that would be it. I don't see how merely creating or voting for a law that allowed such morally indefensible behaviour makes the voter guilty of that crime.

In case B is an offended man who kills his unfaithful wife morally culpable of murder?

Lastly, is an American tourist who visits and spends money in either of these two countries in any way morally culpable for murders that occur there?
I don't see how merely creating or voting for a law that allowed such morally indefensible behaviour makes the voter guilty of that crime.

In the case of "hate" crime, perhaps it is less clear? Or is this the difference between tolerance and acceptance?
I would say no. The murderer is entirely responsible for his own actions - the legality is irrelevant. Voters and those who brought about the law allowing these murders to happen legally do not make the murders happen, nor do they change the fact that murder is immoral, even if it were legal. They would be responsible for the fact that the murderer's actions would not be punishable, but that would be it. I don't see how merely creating or voting for a law that allowed such morally indefensible behaviour makes the voter guilty of that crime.

You make an intriguing case. I suppose to take it to the simplest version, it would be like me refusing to stop my neighbor from killing his wife. I might be justified in doing so, but I am not morally compelled to do so. Well done.

Intuitively, it would seem that something is different about changing the law from preventing this action to no longer preventing this action. But perhaps it is not.

However, the situation is entirely different if the state is doing the killing. I had glossed over who was performing the action.

How about the American businessman that sets up a factory in a country that condones the killing of unfaithful wives? Does he bear moral culpability for such a murder, or for other unsavory practices of his host country?

This is not fundamentally different than the individual example.
I would say no. The murderer is entirely responsible for his own actions - the legality is irrelevant. Voters and those who brought about the law allowing these murders to happen legally do not make the murders happen, nor do they change the fact that murder is immoral, even if it were legal. They would be responsible for the fact that the murderer's actions would not be punishable, but that would be it.
This seems to me to be the key part of Danoff's argument. The voter's themselves aren't responsible for specific crimes, but rather the voter's are enablers.

The main thing I got from Danoff was don't complain after the fact. If you didn't vote in the presidential election then don't complain that Obama is in office. If you voted to keep pot illegal then don't complain that jails and prisons are filled with these people.
The main thing I got from Danoff was don't complain after the fact. If you didn't vote in the presidential election then don't complain that Obama is in office. If you voted to keep pot illegal then don't complain that jails and prisons are filled with these people.

The crux of my point is not just "don't complain", but that you're responsible for our government carrying out your instructions. Think about who's property you're telling them to confiscate, and who you're telling them to put in jail. These are moral decisions with real consequences on people's lives.
This seems to me to be the key part of Danoff's argument. The voter's themselves aren't responsible for specific crimes, but rather the voter's are enablers.

Would you murder someone if you knew you would not be punished for it? Do you think that the threat of punishment is the only thing stopping people from becoming/being murderers? Or do you think that murder is an immoral act, regardless of any other considerations?

Some people believe that God will punish them for crimes/sins/immoral acts, but as I and others have argued previously, is it not more acceptable to realise that the reason why murder is wrong is not because you might get punished for it?

The crux of my point is not just "don't complain", but that you're responsible for our government carrying out your instructions.
And I guess the crux of mine is that you cannot be held responsible for everything your government is allowed to do, even if you agree with it, if you played no part in voting in or maintaining the existence of pre-existing laws that empower them.
As I said in the other thread, this kind of thing isn't very well understood in Canada.

I can't tell you how many times I've heard people complaining and moaning about the new HST (Harmonized sales tax), and about how high our income taxes are. However, whenever I suggest removing public health care, or cutting back/ removing social security, I get called evil and sick by these same people.

I just don't get how these people don't understand that voting for parties which keep health care in law is why their taxes are so damn high. In my province, we spend somewhere between 6-7 thousand a year on health care per person. I would really like those 6 thousand back please.
As I said in the other thread, this kind of thing isn't very well understood in Canada.

There is much to admire about Canada. It's seldom in war and not in debt. I could award no greater accolade. There is an intuitive genius of sorts to Canadians. But conceivably they have erred in providing health care for their citizens. It is not for me to judge, because my country is at a lower level of fiscal sanity and military prudence.
I can't tell you how many times I've heard people complaining and moaning about the new HST (Harmonized sales tax), and about how high our income taxes are.
I had to look this thing up. I found this:
But according to a new Ipsos Reid poll conducted on behalf of Canwest News Service and Global National, a vast majority of British Columbians (82%) and Ontarians (74%) oppose their provincial government’s plans to harmonize the sales tax.
How do such things get passed?
‎'No snowflake in an avalanche ever feels responsible.' [Voltaire] via my mom on FB :lol: