VR mode needs ALOT of work.

  • Thread starter Bloobat
United Kingdom
Firstly I'll just say I love gt sport so far. The game is great fun and I like the new approach.

However as a PSVR owner I was really looking forward using it. Of course I was aware that it was limited to 1v1 however it is ridiculous that there is no ai difficulty settings. No ability to do time trials. No online leader boards. No xp or credits awarded for playing the mode etc.

I think this is quite frankly disgraceful as let's be honest here it really would not be hard to offer any of those things. As it is the mode is little more than a novelty and I really hope it's something PD will be adding into the game ASAP.

Thanks for reading
I think that's fair criticism. Some of those additions - which I think have nothing to do with VR itself and, because of that, shouldn't be hard to implement - could, in theory, make more people buy into the PSVR. As it is now, with only a bad AI car with fixed settings and no rankings or rewards, it's not very appealing. I'm sure I'm not buying it unless this changes.
That's how I felt about 3D when GT6 came out. It was crappy looking. The graphics of 3D in GT5 were far superior. Granted it's defunct tech, but it still illustrates how PD seems absolutely willing to offer half-ass features almost as it seems as a way to say, Hey, we did that too!
Agree with the points brought up. That said, the actual driving in VR is transformative. Fan-freakin'-tastic.
I’m seriously considering getting a PS VR headset. I got the PS4 Pro already anyway and apart from GT:Sport some other games look interesting as well.

This new updated PS VR with 4K HDR passthrough is not released yet right? Apart from Japan. Since I really need that as my home cinema setup is all 4K HDR as well.