vuDa's photo mode video

  • Thread starter vuda
Looks great, heaps of effort must of gone into that. 👍

One question, is that the pre-made GT4 slideshow or you own custom one. If so, how'd you get it up there.

Cheers and once again, it looks great, GT Pro.

Come check out my gallery sometime at
Thanks for the comment guys :)
GT Pro, I actually downloaded software called "Photo Story 3" from Microsoft site today as I was thinking of making a photo slide show for my real photos but as expereiment, I used the GT4 pics I had. Not bad freebie software IMO :) It saves in .WMV format. Very easy to use 👍
Is it me... Or does it look really pixelated on my monitor. Music fits the theme perfect, but it's no where close to my style or what I listen to. I gotta try this one day :D Good job.
Very nice, too ka look through your DFP videos as well.

Now I can really see how good a 1000+ HP race car is controllable on the Nurb instead of with a DS2 :eek:
Thanks guys. Pink, that Toyota Minolta is one animal car to handle lol
Will conisder making gallery when I get some time.
yeah the video is pixelatted not the shots, very good work man i love it. the song is really good and ur shots are fantastic! u should post some of the shots and start a real gallery :D
Cheers Fallen :) I have to say I was quite dissapointed with the picture quality when it was uploaded on the google video but I guess for the time being this is only way of hosting my video.
Thanks for looking 👍