VW Nardo concept available

Just picked up the VW W12 Nardo concept from the UCD. Im looking to trade for one of the following cars:

-Ferrari F10
-C60 Hybride
-Colored X1 (neon orange is preferred color)
-Speed 8
-GT by Citroen concept

Or make an offer. I can trade on Sundays reset so not the next one but the reset after next. Thanks for looking!
I want one!!!
I have Zonda C12S, Xavani Nismo GT-R, Ruf CTR2 or any premium car up to 2.5 millions:)
Can trade tomorrow
I have the Citroen, the Bentley and a C60. The Juud Race Car, if you're interested. And a Ferrari F2007.
Sweet, I'll take the Speed 8. I'm going to trade with Jose as he was the first to offer one. I'll PM you so we can work out the details.