want 5 silver chrome, trade for lots of remote racing

  • Thread starter odyss3y
United States
Bay Area, CA
Willing to trade for priority remote race hosting (aka "always use" status in widget) until Sunday morning. I host at least 20 races a day so this would be at least 4,000,000 to 5,000,000 cr (assuming u have 6 drivers shared and are available for me to race). If there is another PSN outage, I will extend the racing for each night it was down for me.

I'm home sick so this will start immediately.

You send me all the paints first and I will immediately start racing your drivers upon receipt.
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in that case have your pick of the castrol tom's supras (00 or 01). I'll share them in a moment as proof so you can inspect. picked them both up yesterday and haven't touched them yet, not even oil change.

either one's good.any chance u want to trade both for another 5 paints/parts after reset?FR sent 👍 no need to share,i trust u,and ill send all chromes now.
i'd prefer to keep at least one of them, but i can trade you a cusco subaru advan impreza '03. not stock, but all the mods are reversible. ideally for some of the nicer looking color shifts...
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thanks for the ultra smooth trade,sir :) i can do that,but can only trade after 2 resets (turns out already got offer on my own trade.but if that falls through,u are next on the line).how about that,man?
whatever works :) i dont trade often so im generally available (unless someone needs a car for a race event i host on sundays). send me a pm whenever you want the subaru.
whatever works :) i dont trade often so im generally available (unless someone needs a car for a race event i host on sundays). send me a pm whenever you want the subaru.

thanks mate,u are a star :) much appreciated :)
gonna keep this open until another player bites. seems i've acquired a chrome addiction.
Sorry, this is a strict trade. 5 silver chrome for remote racing.

I got a lot of remote racing. Send a FR and send the silver chromes and I'll start racing you!

Sorry, can't send today. Can send Friday.