want intro song for gt4

  • Thread starter VVaffles
Panama - Van Halen
I would have never expected this question to come up for some reason...
Makes me wonder why my version plays Kasabian - Reason is Treason. Another difference between PAL and NTSC?

I've got Panama on my iPOD as well as my computer. In fact, if I wasn't listening to "In a Gadda Da Vida" I'd be playing it right now. ;)👍
No really, I'm waiting for her to sing, "there's a tree by a brook and a songbird who sings there," it sounds like she's just about to and then she goes off on a tangent. :)
NTSC U/C: Van Halen - Panama
NTSC J: Masahiro Andoh - Moon Over the Castle
PAL: Kasabian - The Reason is Treason

FYI: The operatic intro before Panama starts playing on the NTSC UC version is actually the original intro part to Moon Over the Castle. It is available in the Jukebox for those who wish to hear it. Hope you enjoy it!