Wanted: Level 23 ticket

Available to trade now. Would prefer not to schedule a trade.

Looking for a level 23 ticket.

I will ask you to send first unless we've traded in the past.

What I have to offer:
Bday ticket 1970
Bday ticket 1987
Bday ticket 2000
Bday ticket 2003
Bday ticket 2008
Level 12 ticket
Level 17 ticket
Level 21 ticket
Level 22 ticket
Level 24 ticket
Ticket 1000
Last edited:
I've got a lvl 23 for your lvl 24 which I can trade tomorrow, if thats ok.
Still looking for a level 22 and 23 ticket.

Please see my original post for what I'm offering.

I am available to trade now.
I've got a lvl 23 for your lvl 24 which I can trade tomorrow, if thats ok.

I have a trade pending with CMvan46 for his lvl 22 ticket.

We can swap level 23 and 24 tickets after the 0:00gmt reset if you want.
Updated original post.

Now looking only for a Level 23 ticket. Available to trade after reset. Would prefer not to schedule a trade.
