Any game you download from PSN has to be installed because the downloads are similar to zip files in that they're compressed (to keep the file size down and also for consistency checking, to ensure the download isn't corrupt) and therefore not in a ready-to-read state. the install you're talking about is the one disc users would have to do (if they want? Is there an optional install?) to make certain data easier to access, since a hard drive is faster than an optical one. But yeah, it takes forever, this is a limitation of the PS3 itself though due to its age. If it had a SATA III bus it would be pretty fast, but it hasn't. Also 5400rpm drives are more common for an application like this for reliability, efficiency and reduction of heat dissipation, but that means they're slower than 7200rpm drives. My install took close to 40 minutes, I thought I might have a drive fault starting to rear its head but if you all had the same problem then never mind.