Ways to keep breath while running.

  • Thread starter PLmatt91
I signed up for soccer at my school. I'm a sophmore, I weigh 150lbs and I am 5' 8". In our game that we won yesterday, (3 - 0 :D ) I was a left midfield wing and I was out of breath quick. Was it because I was really out of shape, I had no food in my stomach... What could it be? I went running for 30 mins and walked about 15 mins. of it. My stomach was bouncing inside, I had 3 protein like cookies, and 2 sips of water. Nothing else for 3 hours. My knees really and stuff like that. I have Reebok running shoes also. Any ways I can get into shape better for games like that and what can I do about my knees? Thanks,

Tactically, stay ahead of the game, you won't have to run around all the time. In terms of fitness, simply running regularly will help you increase your stamina. Eating light, but high in energy foods before and during half time will help too. And drink lots of water.
sounds like u are just outa shape lol. just try and not hurt yourself as you get in shape. make sure to eat healthy so your body recovers after practice/working out. i like to drink L-glutamine powder +water to help with recovery.

probably something like glucosomine would help with joints.
Well, I make these protein shakes every 2 or 3 nights, 2 scoops of the protein poweder, 1/2 cup of milk, 5 cut up strawberry's, 3/4 of a banana and I mix and drink.

For before practice and sometimes during half time, I eat protein bars and drink water or Gatorade. And when I get home, I eat a full meal, sort of like dinner. As for eating in general, my coach and other people I know who diet or eat healthy, they said eat anything you want, even anything with sugar, but don't sit on your butt after, just run or stretch or something. They said that it'll give you some energy. Is this true?
you can pretty much eat anything you want. the thing is you will feel like crap and perform like crap if you eat too much bad food... so you'll end up not wanting to eat too many sweets and fatty foods anyways. in highschool i ate whatever i wanted when i wrestled. but we practesed 3+ hours 6-7 days a week. So my problem was i just burned up calories like crazy and i eventually burned out from not eating properly :P
try and eat more foods closer to natural. more fruits than candy etc. more juice than soda.
Yeah, I started drinking more water, some Caprisuns ;) And some V8 Splash Fruit Blend my mom bought that is uber delicious. I'm not too fond on fruits but I don't eat candy. It's more like a candy bar or two every week... :)
Fruit + Water beforehand is a life saver. Do you sweat a lot? I drink about 4-6 pints of water and eat a banana in the 90 minutes I have before kendo practices, and then I take a nice long, clear piss. Before I go to practice, I drink 2 more pints of water or 1 pint of water and a cup to a pint of freshly juiced fruit, and then I'm off.

You'll sweat like a turkish whore, but you'll recover a lot better when you flood your system with the good ol' h2o. The secret to staying energized is just plain old water. Stay away from any kind of beverage that comes in cans or pouches before practice. The only juice you should drink is fresh squeezed or juiced before workouts. There's too much crap in most of the others (corn syrup and all that other bs).

Tell us how it works out.
Don't eat so much if you know you're gonna run alot, you'll find out the hard way by cramps, nausea, & vomiting.
YEAH I started getting bad cramps even though I ate 2 hours before I went running or any thing. And what I do before the game is or even practice, is eat a fruit or something and just stay hyrdrated during the practice or game so when I go out, my mouth isn't dry and I can go for a while with out water. And yes, I do sweat A LOT. I can sweat just sitting in a room that is at 20C or so (Around 70F)
YEAH I started getting bad cramps even though I ate 2 hours before I went running or any thing. And what I do before the game is or even practice, is eat a fruit or something and just stay hyrdrated during the practice or game so when I go out, my mouth isn't dry and I can go for a while with out water. And yes, I do sweat A LOT. I can sweat just sitting in a room that is at 20C or so (Around 70F)

Another way to keep your mouth moist is to chew gum, just make sure you don't swallow/choke on it.
Joints like knees, I really try to take care of. I'm light, so I don't put too much pressure on my knees anyway, but I do play a lot of basketball. I try my best to cusion any impacts from landing(including from running), so it will be less stressful to my knees.

I'd drink a lots of water, gatorade, etc. It's important that you keep yourself hydrated. And I never eat before playing. Last time I did that, I was thinking more about throwing up than about the actual game I was playing in. :D
Cool, I'm a sophomore too. I thought about joining soccerbut band+Kung fu got the way. Im 160 at around 5'9". As for breathing while running, try to breath in three short breaths than exhale one big breath. I'll elaborate later.
when training, the only thing that can stop you is your mind. just something to think about, and i'm not saying to out do yourself, stay only a little over the limit.
Another way to keep your mouth moist is to chew gum, just make sure you don't swallow/choke on it.

I am NEVER chewing gum during a game again. Last time I did, my mouth got sooo dry it's not even funny. I was swallowing nothing but air, no saliva. And as for food, I have to eat a little of something just so I won't be weak when I play :(
And what I do before the game is or even practice, is eat a fruit or something and just stay hyrdrated during the practice or game so when I go out, my mouth isn't dry and I can go for a while with out water.

Wrong. Did you read my post? The point is to stay WELL hydrated BEFORE you even get ready for practice. Trust me, dude. 👍

Gum is a HUGE no-no. It's a choking hazard and if you swallow it, it blocks up your intestines for years. It also restricts you from breathing freely and heavily through your mouth.

Also, the reason why I said to juice the fruit is because it becomes easier to digest. You want calories in your body, but you want them to be easily digestible so you won't puke your brains out.
Hmmm, I'll drink a shake or something right before the game or something IF I get to go home, if not, I'll bring like a fruit or protein and drink lots of water before I get to play. We usually board the bus at 2:15 for away games.

Even if your not excercising, drink water. I drink about 4 points of water a day just in general. That's whether I'm playing rugby or sitting on my ass. Basically drinking water will make you feel better full stop.

My knees used to hurt sometimes I found the best thing is to warm them up properly. Basically, feet and knees together, then bend them and place your hands on them. Now just circle your knees. Works for me.

And like others have said, diet is not important as long as you're getting a good amount of everything and working it off.

Oh and I don't get the deal with protein shakes. A couple of you have mentioned them but really there's little need for them unless you really have no appetite for meat or dairy products or if you're really looking to put on some considerable muscle.

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