We need to find peace with each other.

United Kingdom
Somewhere only we know.
As a wise man once said

Have the serenity to accept the things i can't change

The courage to change the things i can

and the wisdom to know the difference.

Do you agree that we/you need to find peace with yourself, others and people who have passed away ?.

This would stop most if not all wars & tribulations etc, if we weren't so angry with each other.
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As a wise man once said

Have the serenity to accept the things you can't change

The courage to change the things i can

and the wisdom to know the difference.

Obviously not wise enough to avoid changing between 3rd and 1st person, this man.
It is highly unlikely that Reinhold Niebuhr would speak or write with that sort of poor grammar. Although attributed to him it's possible someone before him authored it and it is equally unlikely that person was uneducated.

As far as being a wise saying I suppose that is up to the individual.
I think i should go to the gym and come back to this at a later date.

If you come home from the gym feeling peaceful, you're doing it wrong. :lol:

Seriously though, if you work out regularly you'll have heightened testosterone production. Making it more likely you'll get angry at things.

If you wanna be peaceful, smoke some green. Nothing will make you more peaceful than being content sitting, staring at a wall for a couple of hours. :lol:
Ahhh the "hug a jihadi" idea.

Everyone, let's go send lots of virtual hugs to Jihadi John, and maybe he'll realize he has been a naughty boy and come back, ready to change into a proper human being again! Yay!
“Jihadi John wanted maximum drama. He had brought along an antique sword of the kind Muslim armies used in the Middle Ages. It was a blade of almost a metre in length with a silver handle.


“After finishing with the sword he holstered his pistol, a Glock. He placed it against my head and pulled the trigger three times. Click. Click. Click. It's called a mock execution. But not even this terrifying intimidation seemed to satisfy them.”

You first mate 👍
When will you people learn? In America we stopped using corporal punishment and things have never been better. The streets are safe, old people strut confidently through the darkest alleys and the weak and nerdy are admired for their computer programming abilities.

So, like us, let your children run wild and free, for as the old saying goes, "Let your children run wild and free."
Unfortunately, while I'd love for the world to be a peaceful place, it is impossible. There are always going to be people not wanting peace their whole lives just dedicated to causing misery. What are us now extremely repressed but never angry people going to do? Teach him a lesson by making the mean men sit in the naughty corner for an hour? Some people need anger (and sometimes violence) to learn...

Oh no, I've made an opinion, probably a generic one. But it's on the internet and someone will disagree. :P
Unfortunately, while I'd love for the world to be a peaceful place, it is impossible. There are always going to be people not wanting peace their whole lives just dedicated to causing misery. What are us now extremely repressed but never angry people going to do? Teach him a lesson by making the mean men sit in the naughty corner for an hour? Some people need anger (and sometimes violence) to learn...

Oh no, I've made an opinion, probably a generic one. But it's on the internet and someone will disagree. :P
This is my view exactly. Violence should be a last resort, but sometimes, people won't listen to reason, and need to be dealt with. A good example would be Hitler (Yes, unfortunately, I was that guy who had to bring Hitler up).
Everyone, let's go send lots of virtual hugs to Jihadi John, and maybe he'll realize he has been a naughty boy and come back, ready to change into a proper human being again! Yay!

Dear John,

Move to the country
And eat a lot of peaces
Millions of peaces

Peace is for free.