Weapons Inspections?

  • Thread starter duo17
United States
Okay, I know what they are, but I don't know how they are justified. How does a country get the ability to check another country for weapons? Need enlightenment.

Hmm I don't know much but I bet it's just a decision to inspect buildings, warehouses, etc. Maybe I didn't help but someone else will, I wish I could explain more.
Originally posted by duo17
Okay, I know what they are, but I don't know how they are justified. How does a country get the ability to check another country for weapons? Need enlightenment.


In the wake of the Gulf War, there were UN resolutions passed that restricted the types of weapons Iraq can hold - under the provision of those resolutions, the UN can inspect Iraqi weapons to see if they're complying with those resolutions.
Originally posted by duo17
Okay, I know what they are, but I don't know how they are justified. How does a country get the ability to check another country for weapons? Need enlightenment.


When the original country attacks a smaller yet very rich country unprovoked, they need to be kept in check.
No country has the right to do weapons inspections on another. But the UN does, particularly so in Iraq who agreed to it as part of the ceasefire at the end of the Gulf War.
Also, Saddam has used chemical weapons on more than one occasion against Iran and his own Iraqis. He aimlessly lobbed missles at Tel Aviv during the gulf war simply to escalate the fighting into a much bigger, possibly world war. He cannot be trusted with such destructive power. He will use it to agress, not defend.

Saddam is a very bad man... a psychopathological tyrant, worse than most realize.
I'm convinced Saddam is totally bull-****ting the inspectors. I'm also convinced that the US has very incriminating intelligence that they have as yet not shared for reasons we don't know. There are some smart people on this board, but no one can know what powerful governments want to hide until they want you to. That is not to say opining and theorizing is not usefull, though.

Why do I believe it? Because I am continually blown away at the omniscience of the US government. I think they know a lot. Whether thy make good decisions with that knowledge is another topic.
yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyep. Pretty sad ain't it. When do suppose we're gonna wake up as a country and quit lookin at everything in black and white (elephants and donkeys)? Will it happen in my lifetime (I'm 25). Will I ever be able to trust my own gov? Your right,.. they've actaully admitted to knowing more than the inspectors,. WTF?
For whatever reason, they want to keep their information as some kind of wild card, or so it seems. Although I understand they have been throwing the UN a bone here and there, recently.

Something that has been bothering me, though, is the way the UN big shot countries all got together and approved the referendum that says Iraq has to disarm or pay. The "material breach" clause was written in and now that there have been several material breaches, Europe is waffling. I guess that was predictable. Maybe dicking around with this lunatic gives them purpose.

I have also heard that it may be possible to coerce Saddam to go into exile. That would be nice, and avoid an impending war. But it seems so easy and for that reason I am suspicious of it. He should be captured and put on trial.
Originally posted by milefile
I'm convinced Saddam is totally bull-****ting the inspectors. I'm also convinced that the US has very incriminating intelligence that they have as yet not shared for reasons we don't know.

I'm convinced of the same things -- but I will not support a war in Iraq until the government reveals EXACTLY why we should go to war.

And no, empty warheads aren't violent, aren't a threat, and aren't a reason for war.
It looks like Bush wanted to invade Iraq all along, weapons aside. The way the intelligence was disseminated would lead one to believe that they were holding back specifically so they could let it out when and/or if support for an invasion waned.

It's actually a decent strategy if you wanna get rid of Saddam. And the problem of the WMD is still just as valid as it ever was. Good for Bush. He's smarter than I thought.
On the information dissemination issue: Often (and especially with covert, security-sensitive information), revealing that you know something can be very dangerous, not least to the people who obtained that information. It's a hard call to make, but you can sometimes gain more by not acting upon something than you can by rushing in. It was for precisely this reason that Churchill did not attempt to defend Coventry in WW2. The British knew that the Germans were going to attack Coventry because they'd stolen and cracked the Enigma machine. However, to have revealed that they knew this would have caused the Germans to change their encryption methods, thus losing access to that information.

It's all about making sacrifices for the greater good.

Back to Iraq in particular:
Colin Powell has revealed some spy photos which seem to be quite incriminating. I think that we probably should go to war, but if we do, then we need to do it properly and finally, and force a change of government in Iraq. It will be no use repeating 1991, because we'll be in the same situation ten years from now. I don't have any faith at all in George Bush, and never have done. I think his handling of the Iraq situation has been poor, and principally a smokescreen for his complete failure to address domestic issues in the US. I do, however, think that he has some good people, and I hope fervently that he has the sense to listen to them.
Originally posted by milefile
It looks like Bush wanted to invade Iraq all along, weapons aside.

Heh, I thought this post was old.... let's hope vat_man doesn't see this, he's been saying exactly this for months.
Originally posted by M5Power
Heh, I thought this post was old.... let's hope vat_man doesn't see this, he's been saying exactly this for months.
Ha! You're just lucky I'm over it!


Seriously though - I understand the need for regime change - the guy's an arsehole, no question. I just hope there's a queue - I can think of more than few regimes who are just as bad (one of who is hosting a couple of games of a large cricket tournament this month).

Of course, there's no chance of Zimbabwe hitting Saudi Arabia with a missile, is there? I guess I shouldn't hold my breath...