Wearing fur

  • Thread starter Diego440


Born to browse
I was playing around with my dog the other day (she's a Siberian Husky) and came to think about how soft her hair is and how much heat it can provide for them in the cold.

Which got me into thinking about wearing fur and the process that goes through manufacturing the fur coats. That's how I ended up in this website:


The video is quite graphic, and it takes place at a raccoon farm in China. Although the raccoon dog you are watching was beaten, he or she was not dead when the skinning process began. Can you imagine a more nightmarish way to die? Due to loopholes in labeling laws—and an increased use of fur-trimmed items—consumers are unknowingly supporting this cruelty.
I was playing around with my dog the other day (she's a Siberian Husky) and came to think about how soft her hair is and how much heat it can provide for them in the cold.

Which got me into thinking about wearing fur and the process that goes through manufacturing the fur coats. That's how I ended up in this website:


The video is quite graphic, and it takes place at a raccoon farm in China. Although the raccoon dog you are watching was beaten, he or she was not dead when the skinning process began. Can you imagine a more nightmarish way to die? Due to loopholes in labeling laws—and an increased use of fur-trimmed items—consumers are unknowingly supporting this cruelty.

I don't have a problem with that. The meat I eat has often been through far worse.

Though I don't earn enough to buy anything fur-trimmed.
Fur is far too expensive and gawdy. There are plenty of materials out there that can keep you plenty warm and cozy, so there's really no need to resort to wearing fur. Rich people and movie stars only wear it as a status symbol. Oh wait, I guess it is a rather cold 78 degrees in Los Angeles on the evening of the Oscars. Nevermind--they only wear fur for the right reasons.
I think fleece is much cheaper and as warming... then again, fur is indeed a status symbol. Stupid rich people.
I don't have a problem with that. The meat I eat has often been through far worse.

I'm not sure where you buy your meat from, or what your customs for slaughtering animals are in England, but nothing like that happens during the processing of live stock here in Canada, atleast not from the beef perspective.

Although I don't agree with the methods of skinning animals in China, other area's in the world don't operate like that (these types of films, especially by PETA always have a way of bringing out the worst in something and making it seem like its the way everywhere), which makes me think of wearing fur as nothing worse then eating meat. Both types of animals are raised for a specific reason, whether its for meat or fur, and are raised and killed only for that reason.

In all honesty though, wearing fur for warmth is a thing of the past and has become nothing but a status symbol for the rich in todays society. Unfortuantly though, I think they'll always put how good they look or feel in the fur ahead of the methods used to make it.
There's nothing wrong with purchasing clothing for no reason other than asthetics. Your shoes might be made of leather when they could be made entirely of synthetic materials, but leather looks better.

You don't have to eat beef either, but it tastes good. You like to eat good food and you like to look good - there's nothing wrong with that.

Should you be aware that these things came from animals that were killed? Sure. Should you feel bad about that? No way.
so just erradicate all the resources, kill all the animals for your personal enjoyment, do nothing more and not look back?
If you kill a fly with a fly-swatter, do you feel any worse about that than eating a pork-chop or sitting in a leather-clad car?

I imagine you don’t feel much remorse for those, so why feel bad about a fur coat?

By the way, this is coming from somebody who absolutely loves animals and who has twelve semi-pet raccoons.