All this talk about changing times as you race and changing weather conditions, does this mean your lights will turn on automatically if you enter a race at mid-day and end it at night. and does it mean that if u start a race in sun and it rains will there be real rain effects like F1 championship edition, will the wind screen wipers come on?
Not going to happen. If you look closely, you'll see that the new GT5 engine hasn't changed evrything from the GT4 one. night time stuff is still going to require different textures to look like it's night. for probably both the cars and the tracks.
The reason to me seems very obvious. 1080p@60 FPS. if they had opted with very realistic weather and lightning effects i don't think they could've gotten so much out of the PS3.
I've said it before and i'll say it again, i think 1080p was a huge mistake from PD. I don't know the reason behind them doing this, but i got a feeling it's all sony's fault. They want to show that they CAN do 1080p and still have really appealing graphics, just to say they can do 1080p and the 360 can't.
So why is this a mistake? if the extra fillrate was used on enviroment effects such as:
Moving grass, leafs, trees, water, (both rain and say the way water on the floor would splash when a car goes by, etc.), sunlight, night time lights etc.
All of that would look amazing if done in hardware, and the PS3 IS capable of doing stuff like this (hell, if you look at DIRT, you can see a small preview of how you should use shaders to get these results on the enviroment, and i say small cause i think much more can get acomplished.)
So while i don't know if some of these sacrifices were also made because of the insane ammount of polygons per car. You can bet it has a lot more to do with 1080p@60 FPS, it doesn't leave ANY fillrate for stuff that would actually make the game look a LOT better in 720p than what it looks like at 1080p right now. (just think of this analogy, quake 3 at 1600x1200, or doom 3 at 1024x768, which looks better?)
So yeah, for realistic weather effects i'm hoping Sony gets of PD's ass and lets them do it in 720p, the PS3 doesn't have enough fillrate to use all those shaders in 1080p. (hell, if you really wanted to look awsome they would have to drop below 720p, but for balance's sake. they could stick to it.)