Web Design - Informational and Inspirational Sites

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Nooooop your are wrong!

Just used the same design! - And a paragraph off some wierd code!

I made all new images.......and used random script that randomly selects out of 2 main colour images
Um well er.........I never got around to it...and I deleted all the content and DBZ pics in the reformat of my PC! BUGGER! - I regret my actions oh well and I gotta get a script to make sure the popup (praise free web hosts) styas behind the main window...
I can tell you though it was going to be made entirely in Flash and Photoshop. It was my learn Flash project..sicne I never got roudn to it very much I still haven't progressed very far into actionscript.......man I'm dumb I need a life!
I can tell you though it was going to be made entirely in Flash and Photoshop.

It was my learn Flash project...Since I never got round to it very much I still haven't progressed very far into actionscript.......Man I'm dumb I need a life!

I need a new idea for a website but nothing any more really grabs my attention but making Lego Modelson the PC is kinda enjoyable with infinit pieces......pitty you can't play with them, any way I may make another photoshop tutorial site and when I have some money get my own host and domain.......
Originally posted by gigo
Um well er.........I never got around to it...and I deleted all the content and DBZ pics in the reformat of my PC! BUGGER! - I regret my actions oh well and I gotta get a script to make sure the popup (praise free web hosts) styas behind the main window...

Dang, that sucks. Oh well, life goes on.