Web-Page with Host Capability

Not sure if this belongs in this forum,.. but most people look here first so, here's my question:

How can I start my own web-page that I can host video's and picures at? My CPU has ample storage capasity and I'm anxious to start sharing new stuff with everyone. Even if it costs a couple bucks a month,.. I'm not worried,.. I would just like to be pointed in the right direction,... I already have someone to build the site. 👍

Thanx in advance and good luck racing :cool:
I was recommended the company I run www.deralta.net off of by two people form here. And for the life of me, I can't remember exactly who it was that passed the info along.

I use www.venturesonline.com and they've been quite good for the nearly year that deralta.net has been in existence.

Look under "shared Virtual Hosting packages" to see what different options that are available. When you get to sharing 40 and 50 meg video feils, you're leangin towards a "Virtual Private server". THe Shared Hosting is $10-$20 a month (with e-mail and a forum if you'd like). The VPS starts at $65 a month, with loads more transfer and storage space.

so... you can register www.redeyeracer.com for $15 or so bucks, and have your web space set up for another $20. All you have to do is craft up the html files.

Grab a "Web pages for Dummies" book and start reading. I've done 95% of deralta.net in notepad, so for basic stuff, you don't need fancy software. That comes later ;)

Hope this helps

I'll offer a few pointers if you need them, as well as a bit of source code to get you going. Catch me via PM when you're ready to get started. I'm no web page wizard, but I've enough clues to get you started.

Till later,

*moved to the correct forum*

DA has touched the appropriate bases on web hosting.

As for coding, send me a PM if you need any help too. :) I'm fluent in HTML as well as CSS, and I also have Dreamweaver MX (get it if you can afford it... learn HTML and CSS first, since it'll greatly help you understand how Dreamweaver works).