Weekly Photography Week 12

  • Thread starter Burnout
Hopefully we'll get more participation this week!

This is a subject SkylineGTR_Guy sent me a while ago. Within the past month, my PM box says.
Heat 👍
I'm thinking of just taking my Incandescent Explosion picture but without the border and stuff. I mean it does give off heat. When you put your fingers on the glass your fingers start to get warmer and warmer. That's what i'm going to do.:)
This is not my final entry, I need advice on the size of the title (Incandescent Explosion) If it is fine as is it is my FINAL ENTRY.

That's very cool.

A word on the ethics of this: Are we meant to take a picture and publish it in the same week as the contest? Or can I submit a picture I might have taken ages ago?
As long as it's a picture taken by you, Giles.;)

For example. I took a picture of a sunset in Hawaii and that was in July 2004. Then months, much more then 3, later there was a competition on Weather. So I submitted it and it was valid.
So long as the photo has to do with the subject for the current competition you are allowed to enter it as far as I know.

It's great to see another person start to participate in the comps GilesGuthrie! :D
Nice pics so far. Keep 'em coming and welcome to the photo comp, GilesGuthrie. I believe the general rule is try to take a new pic if possible, but if not, as long as it is taken by you, if can be entered. Cardude, I think that the pic needs to be resized.
Final Entry
A word on the ethics of this: Are we meant to take a picture and publish it in the same week as the contest? Or can I submit a picture I might have taken ages ago?
That's left up to the photographer.

Preffibly, however, if possible, one from recent times. But it really doesn't matter.
That's left up to the photographer.

Preffibly, however, if possible, one from recent times. But it really doesn't matter.

Fair enough. If "library" photos are allowed, I'm more likely to be able to participate, since I wouldn't always have time to go out during a given week.
Fair enough. If "library" photos are allowed, I'm more likely to be able to participate, since I wouldn't always have time to go out during a given week.

Not a lot of people could go out every contest and a take a different picture anyways.
Ok so...this is the best I've come up with so far... hand+ rubbing alcohol+ fire=
I was going to say "Are you insane?" but then you followed it with:
It was my brothers hand ;) but I have an old computer...that should be interesting...
Pure genius. 👍 👍 👍 Pic needs some work, I think, but good job not putting yourself in peril. :)
Nah it didnt hurt, what you do is pour rubbing alcohol on your hand then water it down, )if you dont it will hurt ;) )the alcohol burns very quickly so you have to take the picture pretty fast, thats why theres a motion blur.
If you wet your finger first you can stick it in hot things because the evaporating water absorbs the heat.

The rubbing alcohol thing burns all the hair off my hand when I do it.