Weekly Photography Week 21 :: "Lines"

  • Thread starter Burnout
Nice nice! 👍

Here's mine:

Here is the direct link in case the thumbnail doesn't get you the full size (800x599).
Just for the record: Final Entry
(even though this'll probably be my only entry in this subject)
I don't know if I can stick to this compo in the future
because I don't have many chance taking photos outside but I will try my best
I took this photo in xmas when I visiting Hong Kong
this building is next to the finish line in GT4 HongKong track :D
I don't know if I can stick to this compo in the future
because I don't have many chance taking photos outside but I will try my best
I took this photo in xmas when I visiting Hong Kong
this building is next to the finish line in GT4 HongKong track :D
Ah... Just look around your yard sometime, you'll find stuff to take pictures of that will go with just about all of our subjects. I try not to pick ones too specific just for that reason. 👍
Cool photo. It's a real pitty there's no direct shade on it. If that's close to your location you might be able to get a shot with different sunlight?

I still have some more photos on this subject, i'll try to get them up in the comming days.
I have a splitting headache and am on about 6 different drugs at the same time so I'm not going to go looking for lines outside, however does this qualify?

Lots of lines...
OK I will try to get outside next time...

Oh and I have a subject for next week, Angel.
I have a splitting headache and am on about 6 different drugs at the same time so I'm not going to go looking for lines outside, however does this qualify?

Lots of lines...
OK I will try to get outside next time...

Oh and I have a subject for next week, Angel.
Nice GT4 shot, but it's not really a photograph, so it doesn't really count. :indiff:

Hope you get better soon!
Here's my entry :D

Some nice photos there.
I have about a dozen more nice line photos but i can't guarantee that i can put them online soon. I'll try. I don't really have the time to go out either, so I try to be as creative as I can inside (and in the garden ofcourse). A pitty, because the gothic cathedral downtown would be perfect.
Don't wait on mine ofcourse, even IF i put them up I already have a final entry here.
Hmm there's 8 photos now... I wouldn't mind a poll either.

Personally, as I mentioned in the drawing forum, I prefer a thread like this stays open for entries. Even though they're not voted (competing) anymore, it's nice if for example in a month or so, someone new has a cool line photo... We could have a poll on the submissions within a certain time (like now) and then we just leave it open, you know.
But I assume this discussion belongs somewhere else.
Not sure if this is accepted. In my camera I can't control the shutter or aperature. Converted to black and white with some burning and dodging.


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