Welfare State

  • Thread starter Mark T

Mark T

Puts the sex into Essex
Mark T33
*I apologise if this thread has been made before but I have to get this off my chest*

If you have a disability in the UK and you cannot work for medical reasons, you will receive a disability allowance. I totally agree with this, people who are disabled obviously have to receive an income for bills and living costs etc.

The one thing that annoys me is when there are immigrants and lazy UK citizens who choose not to work yet they receive (in some cases) absurd amounts of money for free. Recently in the UK a man nicknamed "hook" ( A Muslim fanatic with one hand preaching terror in London) is going to court to fight for his right to stay in the UK. What crap, he has no right to stay in the UK. He receives over £1000 a week in benefits and it costs over a £Million a year to pay for his Police protection.

Last point:- If you are an immigrant in the UK you receive benefits, get a house and free healthcare, all for free. My idea is that if you are an immigrant and you are capable of working then you should be made to do some form of work. Whether its sweeping the streets, cutting hedges at least they are doing something. My tax money pays for them to live, I want to see them doing something in return to benefit the tax payers

If you agree post a thumbs up!

Please feel free to correct me or comment.
It could be organised. If they can have money for free, then why not waste some more money organising a system which makes sure they are working. They could work for the local council, if they fail to turn up for work there benefits are reduced for that week.
No one should receive welfare from the government under ANY circumstances. I do not work hard so I can pay for other people. This includes disabled people.

My favorite case was the terrible rapper, Old Dirty Bastard. Easily a millionaire and he was collecting welfare payments. Stupid.

Get rid of welfare.
I'm reading an excellent book on the subject of welfare right now. David Kelley's A Life Of One's Own - Individual Rights and the Welfare State. He clearly spells out how New Liberals changed the definition of "rights" to cover welfare and government protection/intervention.
If you have a disability in the UK and you cannot work for medical reasons, you will receive a disability allowance. I totally agree with this, people who are disabled obviously have to receive an income for bills and living costs etc.

I fail to see why this is obvious. If I were to become disabled, I would not consider myself entitled to help from everyone else. Plenty of people who are disabled are gainfully employed. I think you should ask yourself why these people are entitled to your money, or, were something to happen to you, why you are entitled to other people's money.

The one thing that annoys me is when there are immigrants and lazy UK citizens who choose not to work yet they receive (in some cases) absurd amounts of money for free. Recently in the UK a man nicknamed "hook" ( A Muslim fanatic with one hand preaching terror in London) is going to court to fight for his right to stay in the UK. What crap, he has no right to stay in the UK. He receives over £1000 a week in benefits and it costs over a £Million a year to pay for his Police protection.

This is the kind of bull**** you get when the government starts handing out free money. You get freeloaders that would not have a chance if the only way to get money were to produce something. Someone is always going to try to ride the gravy train, so the minute you ask the government to take money from your neighbors and redistribute it to those that it sees fit for free, you're going to see cases that tick you off.

Last point:- If you are an immigrant in the UK you receive benefits, get a house and free healthcare, all for free.

That's terrible. It must cost everyone else a fortune to support that. If I were an immigrant, I would turn that down rather than live off of stolen money.

My idea is that if you are an immigrant and you are capable of working then you should be made to do some form of work.

So you answer to the problem of government involvement is more government involvement. Now that your property rights have been violated by the government in the name of doing good, you want your government to violate someone elses rights in revenge. All of this ignores the problem. The government should not get invovled. Forcing someone to work just because they can is completely rediculous. Sounds like a dictatorship or tyrannical rule.

My tax money pays for them to live, I want to see them doing something in return to benefit the tax payers

Your money shouldn't pay for them to live. You shouldn't force them to work because you're upset that your government offered them your money. What you're really saying here is that they shouldn't be getting money for free, they should have to work for their money. So why not just not give them money for free and tell them to get a job. This would make more sense than giving them money and then telling them they have to work for the government.