Well alot has changed in 10 years!

  • Thread starter IceWarden
United States
Tampa, Fl
First post on a GT Forum since probably 2001. I used to play GT1+2 then got married and had kids ;)

So, I just now got back into GT after buying my first console since the PS1 (told the wife it was a blu-ray player and that our 6yr old might like playing games...I neglected to tell her I bought GT5 with it). I then proceed to log on to the GTP Forum and see that apparently there is a new-fangled capability of racing against each ONLINE (we used to send replays back and forth via Dex Drive and emails...before that we just used the honor system and posted times)!

I then see that one of my old racing buddies, Cudaman, has won some real competition based on GT5. How far the game has come! I guess I better get back into shape for next year...I used to spank Cuda back in the day ;)

Maybe some of you who knew me can say hey! and welcome a fellow racer back into the fold!

Not quite as long as you, but i've been part of the community since 2002. There aren't too many, but there's still a few 10+ year veterans lurking around...welcome.
Nice to meet someone that has been around here for a long time. I haven't even been on this site for a year. :scared: