well, here's my dream: Director's Mode

forget B-spec, that was Remote Control to the easiest degree mode, we'll just leave it at that.

My idea of Director's mode is an extention for Photo mode, where the player can place the camera for the replay video, then save the replay as an mpg, and place on computer.

can you imagine what this would do? it could be incredible! cameras mounted on cars, cameras moving down the tracks, overhead, wide angle through turns, name it! Drifting vids would never be the same, that's for sure.

IT'D BE COOL AS HELL! BUT probably impossible.

I want to direct films anyway, so maybe i'm kinda biased on it's coolness. but could you imagine the possibilities?
I don't see why that's impossible. The PS3 will have a hard drive and will be networkable. I'd think that Sony would load up the PS3 and encourage game designers to think as futuristically as possible, but we'll see. E3 is just a week off now, and Sony has a press conference coming monday.
Directing a replay - Driver stuff.

And what about enhanced PhotoMode with StudioMode - to shoot on neutral backgrounds - such as white, black, grey, red, whatever.

Also, there should be ability to alter the lights, to make available just one or multiple light sources, change the light settings and so on. Also, there could be a point where you need to buy additional equipment, such as big soft-boxes or grids or different color-gels to achive desired photos.

Then we could have pics like this:

Worked pretty good in the Driver series and I had quite a bit of fun with it so I don't see what not.