Well I just got me one of these PS2 thinga-majings...

  • Thread starter Cobraboy


And I was just wondering, can you save PSX/1 games onto your PS2 memory card?? (Yes I know there is a search feature at gtp, but Im not going to go sifting through all of the results).
Because I was playing my PS1 version TH3 and tried to save it on my PS2 memory card but all It said was, 'there is no memory card in memory card slot one'. But then I played Tekken 4 and it saved to it alright. Is that because you cant save certain ps1 game saves onto ps2 cards or is my copy of TH3 retarded?? :confused:
Hey Cobraby I am glad to see another person has bought a PS2. It's a great system.

I have had mine over a year and I still can'y answer your question. I have never tried to save my PS1 games to my ps2 memory card. Sorry man. :(
Hey Cobraboy!

What I have heard, but never tried, is that you can "copy" PS1 game saves to you PS2 mem. card as a backup. When playing a PS1 game you must use a PS1 mem. card to "load" game data.
Originally posted by barryf1fan
Hey Cobraboy!

What I have heard, but never tried, is that you can "copy" PS1 game saves to you PS2 mem. card as a backup. When playing a PS1 game you must use a PS1 mem. card to "load" game data.

Omg :eek: I just tried that and it worked!

shame that the PS1 games cant recognise the card though :(
Thanks for the response guys,
I figured out the saving as a backup thing. It does kinda suck that you cant save ps1 to ps2. I have an aftermarket (if thats what it is) 4-in-1 vertical stand that has:

*Automatic AV selector offers 4 inputs (3 AV plug-in + 1 S-VHS) and 1 AV plug-out
*Built in DVD remote control receiver with hand set remote supplied
*4 port multi-player, which is PS2 analog and dual shock compatible
*Master PS2 on/off switch mounted at the front of the stand.

I bought it for SG$80 which is: NZ$100 therefore is costs US$50 (for all you yanks).

You sit the ps2 into it then insert a plug into the memory card and controller port 1 of the ps2. I've scanned a picture from the box it came in, you'll understand what I mean now.

And I thought maybe this was the problem but obviously not....


  • ps2stand.gif
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That's really cool...a functional stand! Plus it makes your PS2 look like an Aztec temple... :D

I do have some misgivings about using the PS2 in a vertical position. Vertical loading seems to "de-calibrate" the laser sometimes. If you start having trouble with skipping or loading, try laying the PS2 out horizontally.
Originally posted by risingson77
That's really cool...a functional stand! Plus it makes your PS2 look like an Aztec temple... :D

I do have some misgivings about using the PS2 in a vertical position. Vertical loading seems to "de-calibrate" the laser sometimes. If you start having trouble with skipping or loading, try laying the PS2 out horizontally.

That thing looks cool, and more functional than the standard multitap!

Bleah my PS2 has been vertical leaning against the shelves scince I got the darn thing last september and I havent had any probs whatsoever.
i have had a problem with my ps2, not sure if it is that its skipping or somntin is wrong with the disk but everytime i waitch 'Huevos 4' it skips part of the hawaii section of the dvd. i have not taken the disk out of the ps2 so i dont know how it could of gotten scratched but i was thinkin that the dvd got damaged due to excive heat but i an not sure and was thinken one of you guys could help me out. btw my ps2 does stand upright.
Heat should not damage your DVDs...unless you leave them in the oven, in a closed car in direct sunlight for several days, etc.

Try the disc in another player first. The PS2 is a cheap DVD player. :D

Is 'Huevos 4' the only disc that has trouble? If so, it's probably the disc. Take it out and look at it. If it's dirty (this includes fingerprints) clean it with a WET paper towel and a drop of dish soap. Wipe from the center to the outer edge in a straight line. Pat dry with a dry paper towel (gingerly, or you'll scratch the disc).

If it's scratched, buy a GameDoctor. Worth every penny. :2cents: :thumbsup:
Originally posted by risingson77
That's really cool...a functional stand! Plus it makes your PS2 look like an Aztec temple... :D

I do have some misgivings about using the PS2 in a vertical position. Vertical loading seems to "de-calibrate" the laser sometimes. If you start having trouble with skipping or loading, try laying the PS2 out horizontally.

That's the only way I can play Madden 2002. It keeps on scratching too, even when it doesn't get bumped. But the only way I can actually play it is if the PS2 is standing up on its side... Interesting...
Originally posted by bigwhlkid
i have had a problem with my ps2, not sure if it is that its skipping or somntin is wrong with the disk but everytime i waitch 'Huevos 4' it skips part of the hawaii section of the dvd. i have not taken the disk out of the ps2 so i dont know how it could of gotten scratched but i was thinkin that the dvd got damaged due to excive heat but i an not sure and was thinken one of you guys could help me out. btw my ps2 does stand upright.

It could be the multi-layer problem. It does this with Gladiator too... The PS2 just has a hard time going from one layer to another, so that's probably it. In Gladiator, it has to skip a big chunck of the best fight scene in it:mad: Anyway, yeah, if it's clean, it's because it has more than one layer.