What’s the new update for X1X?

  • Thread starter breyzipp
Today 3 of my Xbox 360 backwards compatible games all got a small update of about 400-600 MB on my X1X. Anyone knows what this update is about? These games are:
* Forza Horizon
* Assassins Creed
* Fallout 3

There are 2 other Xbox 360 games I have on my X1X that didn’t get an update, being Assassins Creed III and Dead Space.
According to this screenshot I found of Reddit, this game has been given the works. As well as a resolution bump, textures and AA have also been improved. I'm definitely heading back to Colorado!
They also added a new section for X1 settings on the X360 dashboard for Quality or Performance. Since the 1X is already doing both, no need to select Performance.

Xbox 360 games that are enhanced for Xbox One X run at a higher resolution and 9X the original pixel count on Xbox One X. The power of Xbox One X enables the Xbox 360 emulator to showcase the very best version of the game possible with the existing assets—all without touching the game code.

Enhanced graphics will be turned on by default, running your game with higher resolution, 9X the pixel count, increased texture details and antialiasing, allowing you to enjoy greater visual clarity than ever before. If you turn off the Graphics setting, the graphics will be comparable to the experience on Xbox One or Xbox One S.

Source: https://news.xbox.com/en-us/2018/02...feature-come-xbox-one-backward-compatibility/

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