What are the install options with the disk version

  • Thread starter z06fun
United States
Northeast :(
Now that some actually have GT6 in hand, I'm really wondering what install options are available with the disk version of the game. With the digital download available in some regions, makes me wonder if the disk version has an option to install almost everything to the hard drive. When running with an SSD it's generally faster to have as much as possible on the SSD.
GT5 gave us an option to install a good amount to the hard drive, but still read quite a lot from the disk. This may have been a decent compromise if using a standard hard drive, but certainly not optimal for what could have been achieved when using an SSD. Certain operations on GT5 were significantly faster if you had an SSD, but the need to still read a lot off the blu ray disk kept some things from having much speed increase.
So does GT6 disk have different install options, and what are they? What is the most you can install to the hard drive in Gb?

Really want to hear from those who have the disk already and know the answer. I asked in the other thread but it got buried:) would hate to go through the effort of getting the download version from another region if I can install almost everything from the disk version.
Thanks very much in advance!:cheers:
GT5 also installed as we progress but had the option to install all damedata, maybe it also as that option on settings just as gt5 had?
That is what I am wondering, what install options it has, if any.

Found this on a leak thread:


Maybe that helps answer your question?
Now that some actually have GT6 in hand, I'm really wondering what install options are available with the disk version of the game. With the digital download available in some regions, makes me wonder if the disk version has an option to install almost everything to the hard drive. When running with an SSD it's generally faster to have as much as possible on the SSD.
GT5 gave us an option to install a good amount to the hard drive, but still read quite a lot from the disk. This may have been a decent compromise if using a standard hard drive, but certainly not optimal for what could have been achieved when using an SSD. Certain operations on GT5 were significantly faster if you had an SSD, but the need to still read a lot off the blu ray disk kept some things from having much speed increase.
So does GT6 disk have different install options, and what are they? What is the most you can install to the hard drive in Gb?

Really want to hear from those who have the disk already and know the answer. I asked in the other thread but it got buried:) would hate to go through the effort of getting the download version from another region if I can install almost everything from the disk version.
Thanks very much in advance!:cheers:

Like GT5 the game installs as you play, the Game Data menu allows you to opt-out of this incremental installation, to check the size the data is taking on the disk, delete the game data (not the save game, just the install), and an option to [attemp to] repair/recover the game data. There is no install when you launch the game for the first time, it does install the 200 meg the game loads from the bluray, the loading time is a little longer for that the first time it starts. There is no option to install everything from the get go in the settings.

Btw I don't think GT5 loads anything from the disk once it has installed all cars, tracks and menus. Maybe my PS3 is too quiet, it sits 4 feet away from me on a shelf, but I never heard it spinup or seek once in a long time while playing GT5.
Ha yeah I think if you had a super slim it would be more obvious how much GT5 uses the disk still after everything is installed. Remember the install is only like 10Gb, and that's before all the patches.
Thanks for the info on GT6 and the screen shot of the menu. I wonder what options are behind that menu, very interesting!
Found this on a leak thread:


Maybe that helps answer your question?
Inside there is
auto-install function
determine size of installed files (mine was 1,370 MB)
delete installed files

In the back of game cover, it says 20GB recommened in english, france, Portugal and arabic.
Thanks for that info, 1.3GB seems a lot smaller than I would have expected, certainly much smaller than the large install you could do with GT5, very interesting. I wonder if you go to game data in the XMB and check the size there, if it is reported as the same 1.3GB. Maybe the first few patches will increase that by a large amount since there is obviously a lot of announced features missing at this point.
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Thanks for that info, 1.3GB seems a lot smaller than I would have expected, certainly much smaller than the large install you could do with GT5, very interesting. I wonder if you go to game data in the XMB and check the size there, if it is reported as the same 1.3GB. Maybe the first few patches will increase that by a large amount since there is obviously a lot announced features missing at this point.
It increased, now in game data in xmb I see 4,xxx mb of installed game data.
It probably wont install data for a car until you buy that car, data for a track until you race the track for the first time etc.
I had the same questions, I wont mind walking away for 30-40mins, while it installs the whole of 20-30gb or whatever, I just swapped my 500gb PS4 harddrive into the PS3.