What are your top 3 rallies in this game?

Top 3 rallies in the game

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Wymondham, Norfolk
As the title says, pick your top 3, give reasons if you can to explain why you like them and what makes them better than the others in your eyes.

It's an almost impossible task, but here's my 3.
1: Monte Carlo.
It captures both sides of the real rally perfectly, the high speed sections, tight towns, all the way up to the twisty mountain sections. The stages have been really well chosen here, and beautifully made. The games addition of seasons gives a new side to the rally rarely seen. It's an absolute joy to drive it.

2: Portugal.
The variety on offer in Portugal is excellent, fast tarmac, twisty tarmac, cobblestones, narrow villages, farmland, variety of gravel tracks, rocky mountainous sections, fast lowland sections and some massive water-splashes. It is clear that a lot of attention went into making this rally. It's one of the most detailed and has multiple routes to spice it up.

3: Kenya.
Very few games in my opinion, have captured the essence of Kenya. They've done landscapes well enough and dotted animals around, but it always tends to be just a high speed dusty rally. The real one isn't this, it can be fast of course, but it's also incredibly rough and violent, unforgiving, narrow and game captures all of these traits. So much so that I know for some it will be on the list of worst rallies, its difficult and that's why I love it.
Not sure if I dislike any, and not really been tested on each one to be able to cast one vote nevermind 3. But I am enjoying the tarmac rallies now
Estonia is my go-to testing rally, especially Vassahaare. That's my most memorised stage so I can compare different cars, there's some nice bits where you go from gravel to tarmac and a tricky jump
This was hard. I went with Chile (the 30 min stage is absolutely brilliant, so flowing and I love the scenery and the fact it’s a proper, forest rally which almost makes up for the lack of Rally GB), Kenya (again, the long stage is absolute bliss and I’ve always loved the Safari - needs animals though), and Indonesia (I actually find this one a bit sad because you compare it to the jungle environment of CMR and it’s got exactly the same feel except in many places the trees have been chopped down - that’s realistic though) Estonia was close, but there are too many hidden stumps to end your rally there. Pacifico edged past it on that.
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Wow, my 3 favorites are the ones with the most votes. Looks like I'm not alone :) Wasn't an easy choice but these rallies have an immersive effect I can't find at other locations, particularly the asphalt ones. Special mention to Chile for the reasons posted above👍