What body would you want?

What body type would you want?

  • PIC 1

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PIC 2

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PIC 3

    Votes: 9 31.0%
  • PIC 4

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • PIC 5

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • PIC 6

    Votes: 2 6.9%
  • PIC 7

    Votes: 3 10.3%
  • PIC 8

    Votes: 4 13.8%
  • PIC 9

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PIC 10

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • PIC 11

    Votes: 1 3.4%
  • PIC 12

    Votes: 3 10.3%

  • Total voters


Out of the following bodies which would you want if you had the wish of say a genie.BTW disregard how their face looks this should be only based on the body.
Pics are ordered in physical size starting from smallest to biggest.

Pic 1


Pic 2

Pic 3


Pic 4


Pic 5


Pic 6


Pic 7


Pic 8

Pic 9


Pic 10


Pic 11


Pic 12

Ronnie Coleman is too disgustingly huge. I'll go with Arnie. Dude has an awesome bod.
Pic 3, It's the way I want to be and it's sort of the way I am (I need to work out a bit, I havn't done so all week)

All the other ones look far to time consuming to keep up, bar 4 which looks kinda flabby.
Pic 4 is pobably the average not overweight man, the average man has more fat than any of the guys in these pics. I'm closest to pic 5 in that I used to be closest to that, right now I wouldn't compare to any of them.
Is pic 1 or 2 Brad Pitt body by any chance?(I just get red 'x') I'd go with that.
Probably mostly Pic 5.... the final 3 are definitely disgusting. Pumped up steroid freaks.

I need some abs and a lower fat percentage. I could miss some around the waist, even though I don't have any love handles, haha. My chest and arm muscles are ok, but just slightly too much fat covering it up to really show the muscles well. :D
Well, considering I can't see the first 2 pictures, I'd be picture 5. I'd hate all those muscles.
I used to be a real skinny guy, but I have worked pretty hard the last few months and am about a 3 on that list, my goal would be a 7 though.
Why's this gay, ledhed? You too insecure?

Ronnie Coleman and Arnie don't pump steroids. Gregg Valentino (below) does.

close but wrong. Arnie and ronnie use bucket loads of roids. Valention uses roids and a oil that you inject in the muscle called synthol which makes the muscle bulge out unnaturally. If I looked like him I wouldnt be able to sleep at night.
Why's this gay, ledhed? You too insecure?

Ronnie Coleman and Arnie don't pump steroids. Gregg Valentino (below) does.


" What body would YOU want ? " Followed by PIN UP shots..... 💡

Whats the matter are you trying to make a lifes decision ? :)

I want no tumors in my arms like that dude gave himself . Steroids must have cooked his brain .
Till picture 7 and 8 it's OK. But the reast of them is just absolutley disgusting.
Pic 3 should be fine....
Where's they guy who wears 34/32 pants?

I've got a gut and I'm fine with it...

Although someone met me today after a about 8 months of not having seen me, and didnt recognize me because I put on so much weight.