What do you do between GT Sport races?

  • Thread starter CliveH
United Kingdom
Forest Hall, Newcastle upon Tyne
We all have to put up with the ~10 minutes between GT Sport races but how do you fill the time? Once you've pushed your qualy time to the absolute of your ability then what?

I play Miniclip pool on the Ipad or do the dishes to keep the wife sweet.

Any novel uses of our 10 minutes slots to help the time go by? :-)
Usually I schedule my races beforehand so I can get 45 minutes of practice, and then another 15 after entering the race. But if it's a daily and I've practiced for more than 2 hours or so I'm just browsing the forums :lol:
Think about how sweet the revenge will be on the next race, after being punted on the first apex at dragon trail in the Porsche daily which is a fun competitive daily n500 race.

just wish it was more than 4 laps... at 4 laps you are just starting to see who can run consistent laps and who got one lucky qualify run in but during race they can't hit turns in traffic if they aren't in their usual line.

Packs start forming between cars so times get better and usually the cleaner people get knowing it's a longer race.

Usually watch TV inbetween races or browse forums on the different games I play after I set a qualify time that puts me top 5 or so
I've been playing ZType to keep my fingers warmed up, but there's no shortage of Youtube videos, Twitch streams, Reddit posts, forum threads on GTS or what have you to keep me occupied during downtime.
If I haven't entered my best qualifying lap, then I'll do that

If I have, I might still enter the track and dick around. Do burnouts or explore the track. Mostly I just go on my phone and come on here lmao
I'm currently working on the 'likes' achievement for both photos and liveries.. so that takes up most of my time at the moment.

I wish it counted the likes via the website and not just in game as it would make the achievement so much easier!
I usually work out between races. Daily B is perfect for a little break in between. Hence I usually race without qualifying.
Otherwise there's always dishes, laundry, kids to attend to, gtplanet, tv. I have a separate tv in the living room for GTS.
Depends on the race of the day. I usually do race C but the night time race two nights ago only gave a few mins between races. The 10 min wait ones I will usually have a go at bettering my qualifying to get me away from the mid pack madness if possible.

I have been known to goto track experience and work out where I am going wrong sometimes.

Or just plain ole make a cup of tea
Training , drinking (no alcohol) , eating , playing with the cat ..

.. or ....

Load up my Bridge-to-Gantry lobby without any restrictions, with open hosting and let it open to others join as well.

Once the time comes I just quit it and go to the race and let others enjoy this secret track ;)

I made a friend yesterday doing this.
I'm getting too impatient to wait so long between races. I used to run laps to qualify but now I'm finding myself quitting out entirely because the wait is just way too long. I was waiting on one race and after 8 minutes I forgot I was waiting for a race and got up to start making dinner. I heard car noises coming from the living room after a bit and I was like "Oh crap!" :lol:
On the official PD blog at the end of November they were bragging they have had 26 million hours of gameplay world wide. So since in GT Sport we're only getting about 15 minutes of racing per hour (Race A) I wonder how many hours have been wasted by people sitting waiting for races to start? I'm sure in quick play on GT6 the races used to be more frequent, I'm not just imagining that am I?
Sit and curse that fact that there is so much wasted time in between races.

If it's a Friday/Saturday night, I just have another glass of beer/wine and relax a little.
Sit and curse that fact that there is so much wasted time in between races.

If it's a Friday/Saturday night, I just have another glass of beer/wine and relax a little.

oh, that's start a thread off about how much you can drink before impairing your racing ability. I can do a few drinks, but it tends to turn me into a nutter and I regret it the next morning when I see my rating lol
I started reading that expecting:
oh, that's start a thread off about how much you can drink between races:dunce: (im using that emoticon as a drunk party hat emoticon)
oh, that's start a thread off about how much you can drink before impairing your racing ability. I can do a few drinks, but it tends to turn me into a nutter and I regret it the next morning when I see my rating lol

I can finish off a bottle of wine and have a strong beer without any effect to my online driving. My times are consistent with my 'sober' runs, and I still race pretty clean and competitive. Sometimes, my drinking times are faster.

Needless to say, this is all online as real life drinking and driving is just plain dumb.