what do you want gt6 crash effects to look like? (poll)

  • Thread starter MiuraSV777
United States
United States
What do you want gt6 crash effects to look like? Below are three videos--
1• gt5 lvl 40 crash effects- http://m.youtube.com/watch?v=IoQu-TncKZg&feature=related

2• rigs of rods (online video game) crash effects- http://m.youtube.com/#/watch?v=yQZLvl0f7DE&desktop_uri=/watch?v=yQZLvl0f7DE

3• real life crash tests- http://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=fvwrel&v=1tQvW-wQGOg

Vote on one of the videos to chose which you want gt6 effects to look like.
Also, I am talking about the EFFECT of the crash, not the surrounding image quality (mainly for rigs of rods)
1. is not 'level 40', it's the same damage for the whole game, level 1 onwards.

2. Isn't possible unless PD completely rebuild all of their cars, not likely to happen.

3. Isn't going to be possible on videogames for quite some time yet.
Physics are far more important than crash damage modelling to me honestly..
& as SimonK had metioned, it should be the same the whole way through, rather than level 40 being the best crash damage.
I can do without crash effects all together. I mean the point of this game is to race as well as possible and NOT crash.
I can do without crash effects all together. I mean the point of this game is to race as well as possible and NOT crash.

The same point exists in real life, does that mean real cars don't crash or when they do nothing happens to the cars? No. Just because the point of the game isn't to crash that isn't a reason to do away with crash effects in a game that is meant to be simulating real world.
I can see where you're coming from, but in my opinion, it's not needed at all. I'd rather them work on other content than put time into modeling realistic crash physics, because I'd almost never see the end results of that effort.
If this was Gran Turismo 2 we were talking about then maybe I'd see your point but this is the sixth game in the series now, there is no excuse not to have damage modelling in the game. I'm not expecting anything close to the ROR or real life but anything between what we have now and that would be satisfactory.

Also you must be a very good driver if you never crash. Every real life racing driver crashes as some point, most have at least one huge accident in their career, usually more.
I think Dirt (the original) had a decent model for "crash/damage". GT5 kind of picked it up with the physical damage. I'm not worried about body panels falling off, but to see a basis of wrinkles, dents, etc. due to my mistakes can be helpful. Now, in terms of what is really important--- it should be what the crash effects FEEL like and how the car acts going forward. Damage to the front end make the car understeer (usually) as you lose downforce. If you're driving a car with a wing and your mistake causes damage to the wing (loss of it, loss of integrity, etc.) your car will not handle.

Above all, open wheel cars need to be especially modeled to be effected by mistakes/damage. We've all seen the formula incidents where minor shunts to a front wheel causes irreparable damage to it. You shouldn't be able to wall slap an F1 car like you can a NASCAR and have the same effects.
Physics are far more important than crash damage modelling to me honestly..

they go hand in hand, when a moving object hits a stationary one should there be no reaction? that's not what happens in the real world, and GT claims to be the real driving simulator...
I'd go for the original ToCA damage where bits and pieces fall off. This game should have had bonnets come off exposing the engine. Bumpers that come loose should have created some kind of spark effect. If a car is upgraded with Window weight reduction, in an impact the window should pop out.
At this stage for the next game, we should at least see smoke. A 1970 Superbird should have a different effect than a C6 Corvette, if you get where I'm going.
Well, I just would think its cool to see cars realistically react to certain crahes, and different materials of cars act differently when crashing
I'd go for the original ToCA damage where bits and pieces fall off. This game should have had bonnets come off exposing the engine. Bumpers that come loose should have created some kind of spark effect. If a car is upgraded with Window weight reduction, in an impact the window should pop out.
At this stage for the next game, we should at least see smoke. A 1970 Superbird should have a different effect than a C6 Corvette, if you get where I'm going.

I agree with you completely. I had Toca World Touring Cars and thought the damage model was great. Some premiums can lose body panels already but not to Toca's extent ( I even managed to lose a wheel :-) ). However I think content should come first.
If this was Gran Turismo 2 we were talking about then maybe I'd see your point but this is the sixth game in the series now, there is no excuse not to have damage modelling in the game. I'm not expecting anything close to the ROR or real life but anything between what we have now and that would be satisfactory.

Also you must be a very good driver if you never crash. Every real life racing driver crashes as some point, most have at least one huge accident in their career, usually more.

Agreed completely.

As far as GT5 goes, some of the extremely minor crash damage looks realistic on the premium cars (ie some dents in the bodywork), but as soon as there's any sort of heavy impact, the visual damage looks ridiculous.

I hope GT6 damage modelling at the very least will show a car with damage that looks physically possible, rather than just having stretched fenders, or smudged fiberglass. If Kazunori Yamauchi managed PD's resources properly instead of letting designers go to ridiculous amounts of detail for Photo Mode then I am sure there would be a lot of visual features that would be entirely possible on the racetrack.
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If this was Gran Turismo 2 we were talking about then maybe I'd see your point but this is the sixth game in the series now, there is no excuse not to have damage modelling in the game. I'm not expecting anything close to the ROR or real life but anything between what we have now and that would be satisfactory.

Also you must be a very good driver if you never crash. Every real life racing driver crashes as some point, most have at least one huge accident in their career, usually more.

Agree totally!
Well, the rigs of rods crash effects are a little dramatic for a racing game, but I think if you could at least get some crumpling on cars more, instead of just streching the cars body, it would be atleast more realistic
Dont no if this will be true,but it would be cool if u had a bodey sim.where u can have the fear facter,jost a sout that u can get a golt eh?that would be sweet lads.sorry if off topic
My vote would go to this as the optimal damage modeling and crash physics. Especially considering that this is a game from 2003, I'm sure a large respected company that has been around for over a decade could manage to get something close to being as realistic as this, just over 10 years later :sly:

Also, keep in mind that most of these wrecks occur in online servers which explains the jumpy/bouncy actions of some of the cars
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Any theary's your self then?on topic becuse my one is a cracker.

He's referring to your grammar, which is extremely poor.

On topic: The crash effects are simply ridiculous on GT5. Of course, physics are more important to some extent, but improvements on crash effects are needed. Obviously not like ROR, just something more realistic than crashing into a wall at 200 MPH and just keep racing.
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If I remember correctly, Kaz addressed the issue on crash physics by saying how he didn't want to make it too realistic (I can't find the link anywhere... sorry.)
I Am Yellow
He's referring to your grammar, which is extremely poor.

On topic: The crash effects are simply ridiculous on GT5. Of course, physics are more important to some extent, but improvements on crash effects are needed. Obviously not like ROR, just something more realistic than crashing into a wall at 200 MPH and just keep racing.

Well at least we don't have forza 4's crash effects.... the car just turns black, and various parts fall off the vehicle when you hit a different part of the car (ex. Hit your front end, and the spoiler flies off, th wrong way too)
Id like to see more realistic crashes with more visible damage instead of black skidmarks on the body.