What do you want to see for GT5 at GamesCom/whenever the next info is released

  • Thread starter FauxShaux
I know this is risky, making a new thread while being a newbie and all, but I made a search and only found a thread discussing whether or not GT5 would even be at GamesCom. This thread I'm making now won't be limited to GamesCom, and I think it's a good subject for discussion, so I'm going out on a limb here.

Now that that's out of the way, let's get down to business. The thread title says it all. I personally would like to see a trailer showcasing the damage system behind GT5. It seems as though the quality and scope of GT5's damage system has been under a lot of scrutiny, more so than other aspects of the game, and of course, nearly all questions have been left unanswered.

So, a trailer beginning with just the regular stuff, just more GT cars racing around a road course, showcasing the attention to detail, the incredible graphics, maybe some fancy engine noises, then BAM!!--I know that was a bit childish--the lead car spins out of control and all of the cars behind it frantically try to avoid a pile up, but to no avail. Besides the smoke brought up by screeching tires, the trailer could showcase rollover, severed pieces of metal, paint scraping, dents, removed tires, fire, maybe even broken glass. I know just about none of this stuff has been even slightly expected in GT5, but whatever is included in the damage system, should be showcased in the trailer.

I guess I'm just tired of seeing PD always release just another teaser trailer that shows just a bit of the game, but not all. It seems as though every trailer brings up more questions than it answers. Basically, I'd like to see the next one just go all out and try to impress people, not leave them more confused than when they arrived. I want to be "wowed." I suppose an all-out multi-car crash would accomplish such a task magnificently.

But that's just me. What do you think?
Either in Europe show in 2 weeks or in Japan show next month...
Other then that it would be too late to release any info after the 2 events.
what I want to see revealed is very hard information. Amount of cars, tracks, online support, damage, in fact I don't want any more pussy-footing around. I want to know then and there what it is that has had everyone drooling for since GT5 was announced and GT5P was released. It's not too much to ask is it?
Something like the TGS '06 presentation from GTHD plus a whole 1 lap replay from cars racing on one track that isnt in prologue, maybe with a crash to see the damage and an in-depth look into the main features.
what I want to see revealed is very hard information. Amount of cars, tracks, online support, damage, in fact I don't want any more pussy-footing around. I want to know then and there what it is that has had everyone drooling for since GT5 was announced and GT5P was released. It's not too much to ask is it?

That's what I'm talking about. I remember months before Super Smash Bros. Brawl came out, the developer had a website that revealed a bit of solid information about the game on a daily basis. You could expect to see an included item, stage, or even character on any given day.

For GT5, we've gotten what? Maybe 5 trailers tops? I guess PD enjoys leaving their customers frothing at the mouth waiting for new information by the time they finally get to making another teaser. It's sickening.

At least they make good games.
Well you can drive a lot of cars from GT5 on some tracks from GT5, with the new physics, cockpit and graphics. I wont say that GT5P got a bit boring now (mostly because of the tracks), but some informations wont get you anywhere near the GT5 experience as Prologue does it.
GT5P may have had a fraction of the cars and tracks that will be in the full game, but it didn't reveal anything new or unexpected. The single player/career mode/campaign (whatever you want to call it) was very shallow and the only longevity the game had was in the online mode. I'm not saying this as criticism, but GT5 Prologue was just what the title says it is. It's a teaser. A very good teaser, but still a teaser.

Most developers continually update their site with news, screenshots, or videos on a standard basis. Turn 10 does it about every two weeks. The content in GT5P only reflects 10% of what the full game will have to offer. As devoted fans we should still be kept in the loop.

Anyway, back on topic. I'd like to see a solid release date, confirmation of features such as damage, weather, and night racing, a rough car and track count, and maybe a few new screenshots or trailers. Though I'm sure very little of that will actually come true.
Give me some gameplay videos from the moment the game is started on the XMB! Videos of the main menu, arcade, GT mode etc.
I guess I'm just tired of seeing PD always release just another teaser trailer that shows just a bit of the game, but not all. It seems as though every trailer brings up more questions than it answers. Basically, I'd like to see the next one just go all out and try to impress people, not leave them more confused than when they arrived. I want to be "wowed." I suppose an all-out multi-car crash would accomplish such a task magnificently.

But that's just me. What do you think?

Well, if they revealed "all" in a trailer, then the trailer wouldn't be much of a teaser would it ;) Kidding aside...i understand where you're coming from....the trailers may leave more questions than answers....but that's actually fine with me because it gives time and room for discussion. However, I just wish they would show some trailers and screenshots a little more often.....but I have a feeling that starting this month we're going to start to get a whole lot more and we'll all be in for a treat until it's released.

Everyone says PD should follow other developers marketing strategies such as Turn 10 releasing info every week or 2 until release....but PD wouldn't be PD if they followed everyone else...don't get me wrong, PD could learn aspects from other developers to include in GT5, but in terms of a marketing strategy.....I find it very frustrating, but very intriguing at the same time because every day I visit this site, I'm scrambling for more info....and when something does come up (something as simple as a hinted unofficial release date on the front page can get my adrenaline pumping instantaneously), my excitement kicks up again, and everyone goes crazy. Yes it's an odd way of doing things, but it seems to work.

Anyways, depending on what PD would show at TGS, I would definitely like to see a trailer revealing more game info (damage, night/day transitions, weather, liveries, etc...doesn't have to be all of it), or a trailer revealing Porsche and Lamborghini......a release date of course would be nice...that would be enough for me to last me a month until TGS.

At TGS I think they should do a full presentation of the game....maybe not every aspect, just to keep people surprised when they get the game themselves, but just a presentation showing a lot of the features....maybe a few gameplay vids....but we'll see how it goes. I'm excited either way!
May be a bit demanding:
I want to know everything, especially if there is a 1991 BMW 325i, like the one in $hopping.
at least the release date and some in-game screenshots... the rest at TGS
(wow we are so desperate)
I'd like to know the release date, see more piccies, trailers, amount of cars in it and a section of cars shown, how the whole game is setup (as regards Nascar + WRC with GT or more).How is the WRC & Nascar side of the game getting on.Also all the names of the real tracks and all ficticious tracks too, would also like to see a preview of the damage model, physics, if the weather is realtime and adjustable etc.Also want to know about the online situation too.I doubt we will see all of this in one game show, probably will be spread out between the next show and TGS.Or they probably wouldn't have something to show for TGS.

P.S. gameplay pics help too.
Release date.

Oh and ANYTHING AT ALL that will confirm that i havent been waiting years for a rehashed GT4. Starting to get a little worried that maybe spending too much time on this forum has raised my expectations far too high.
same here.. just about anything we just dont know about right now.
And i have idea for another thread: What will your reaction be if GT5 was released in Japan on christmas and the rest of world.. TBA
same here.. just about anything we just dont know about right now.
And i have idea for another thread: What will your reaction be if GT5 was released in Japan on christmas and the rest of world.. TBA

Then my wife will be buying me a christmas day return ticket to Tokyo!

Or more realistically, import.
Release date.

Oh and ANYTHING AT ALL that will confirm that i havent been waiting years for a rehashed GT4. Starting to get a little worried that maybe spending too much time on this forum has raised my expectations far too high.

I have no problem with GT5 being a rehashed GT4 including the world map menu which I think is the best menu system so far. I hope they do something similar in GT5 instead of the lame menu for races in GT5:P
The menu does need to be logical this time around doesn't it, and other things that have been mentioned before need to be added too.
I want to see Michael Schumacher driving Ferrari F1 on stage. Loeb driving his Citroën C4 WRC will be nice too. Porshe in GT5! GamesCom are in Germany isn't it?

Seriously I wonna to see release date, new trailer, gameplay, screens and new shocking features (like weater ora night racing).
Release date and tons of new information...official track list and car list would be superb. Alongside the mighty weather, time of day and damage being shown off on a new track in a new car. I think that is what everyone wants.