What game have you not played in the longest time?

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Anyways, thread title says all. Post the game you believe you have been away from playing the longest. You're welcome to do so for each console if you wish.

Here's mine:


Around mid 2016, once I beat this game and I found out they weren't having anymore content updates, I guess I lost interest and haven't been back since.


Got this game with my PS3 back in Christmas of 2010, haven't played it since for some reason. It is beyond me as to why I haven't.


Last time I remember playing this game was when my 6th grade year was ending and I have no memory of it getting any play time since.

A bit fuzzy on this one. The last time I remember playing it was when I was 12 years old on a day when my school had a 2 hour delay and I had time to play around some. I remember playing this one that morning and having the music in my head later on. It was apparently before I got my PS2 in christmas 2005 because I know I didn't play PS1 games hardly at all after getting it. So about circa 2005 I believe.

So, what's yours?
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I haven't played a PS1 NASCAR Thunder game in a while. Partly because, well...yeah xD

(The PS2 games worth a try, though)

Midtown Madness: Chicago Edition, anyone? Really fun game from 1999. Wasn't there just a endless array of great racing games in 1999 or what?

Test Drive 6. Always begged my parents to get the full game, had to settle for a demo version. Still beg them do to this day. I just need it, just so I can annoy the heck out of everyone in the house with those menu sounds :P.

Eh wizzards on the Atari? I sold that game when At our yard sale when I was 9. Still remember the soundtrack! God I wish I could still play that game sometimes.
I haven't played a Gran Turismo game since the Gran Turismo 3. So what 15 years ago ish? Wow. It's not that I don't want to, it's that a certain other series came around and you know. :dunce:
There's a lot but I will say MW3 or COD in general. I played that game from the time I wake up till I sleep for almost 3 years straight. I haven't played it in years. The last COD I played was BO2.
PS4: Minecraft PS4 Edition (Early 2015)

PS3: Need For Speed Carbon (2010)

PS2: Crash 'N' Burn (2008)

PS1: TOCA 2 Touring Cars (2004)

XBOX: Splinter Cell (2006)

XBOX 360: Gears of War (2009)
PS2: Crash 'N' Burn (2008)

Looks like another FlatOut/Burnout clone...by Climax?

These were the guys who made this game...


I have this for PC. You know, seems to be a legacy for Mattel that all Hot Wheels games are considerably fun and Barbie games...are...well...[insert fun expletive here].
Main games I can think of right now.

Burnout 3

Any of the Mario Kart games.

NASCAR Dirt To Daytona
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Looks like another FlatOut/Burnout clone...by Climax?

These were the guys who made this game...

View attachment 516067

I have this for PC. You know, seems to be a legacy for Mattel that all Hot Wheels games are considerably fun and Barbie games...are...well...[insert fun expletive here].
I didn't play Flatout until years after playing Crash 'N' Burn but I would say Crash 'N' Burn is actually better in some ways. There's a pretty good degree of car customization with you (I may be remembering this wrong) spending money you earn in races to either enhance your cars performance in races or improving it's looks with bodykits, wings and (maybe) new paint schemes. Most of the races in the game were straight up races, mostly lap races, with car preservation being a key factor, as if you wreck you're out of the race and the same goes for the AI, so you could (If I remember correctly) buy a pickup truck, upgrade it's offense and defense (if you could, can't remember the customization/upgrades all that well) and just try to eliminate your oponents instead of racing for position. Really fun game, only reason I haven't played it in so long is because when I sold my first PS2 (for a PS3) I sold Crash 'N' Burn as well and have never seen another copy of it since.

The tracks varied with a few different locales (I remember Chicago (Or was it San Francisco?) and Miami being two of them) and a few tracks for them. I remember a pretty hard race on a Chicago track that had a figure of 8 in it that often ended up with you being T-Boned by a car further back in the field. One thing I distinctly remember is all cars were fictional (most likely because of the advanced damage system) and you started out with a basic red hatchback. Or you could choose between the hatchback or a yellow pickup truck I think, but the hatch was faster so I usually went for it. I think each opponent also had unique AI and their own unique vehicle (which were usually just different paint schemes and body options). One of my favourite PS2 games.

The damage model was also incredible for a PS2 game.





I didn't play Flatout until years after playing Crash 'N' Burn but I would say Crash 'N' Burn is actually better in some ways. There's a pretty good degree of car customization with you (I may be remembering this wrong) spending money you earn in races to either enhance your cars performance in races or improving it's looks with bodykits, wings and (maybe) new paint schemes....

Seriously this game was amazing. I remember playing it for hours and you're right there was a pretty good level of customization and if I remember right the AI was actually pretty decent for a PS2 game.
Seriously this game was amazing. I remember playing it for hours and you're right there was a pretty good level of customization and if I remember right the AI was actually pretty decent for a PS2 game.
I remember them being a pain in the ass at times, especially that blue superbird-esque car. Plenty of races where I ended up second to that car. I'd love an HD remake of that game on PS4. No changes to the actual game, just better graphics and an updated damage model and it would be amazing.

Although they (Climax Racing) were bought by Disney Interactive and changed to Black Rock studios in 2007 (Developing Pure & Split Second) before being finally shutdown in 2011, so I'm not expecting there will be.
I remember them being a pain in the ass at times, especially that blue superbird-esque car. Plenty of races where I ended up second to that car. I'd love an HD remake of that game on PS4. No changes to the actual game, just better graphics and an updated damage model and it would be amazing.

Although they were bought by Disney Interactive and changed to Black Rock studios in 2007 (Developing Pure & Split Second) before being finally shutdown in 2011, so I'm not expecting there will be.

That would be a great remaster! But I suppose the closest we'll get is the new FlatOut maybe? We shall see....
That would be a great remaster! But I suppose the closest we'll get is the new FlatOut maybe? We shall see....
Do you mean Next Car Gam Wreckfest? That looks to be pretty close to it, although I don't think it's coming to consoles.
That too, but I don't think it's coming to consoles either... But no I was referring to this:


It hasn't gotten any news since then, but it appears to be in the makes...
That dev's previous two games (Truck Racer & Motorcycle Club) don't inspire me with confidence that this new FlatOut will be that good.

Also I just checked the site for NCG and it says if they raise enough funds, Next Car Game will come to consoles, which I would love. I've seen plenty of videos of the game and for an early access game it looks amazing.
That dev's previous two games (Truck Racer & Motorcycle Club) don't inspire me with confidence that this new FlatOut will be that good.

Also I just checked the site for NCG and it says if they raise enough funds, Next Car Game will come to consoles, which I would love. I've seen plenty of videos of the game and for an early access game it looks amazing.

I agree. I guess time will tell if it will be worth it or not.

And that would be great! I've seen videos of it as well and I think that it's a no-brainer to bring it to consoles. Everything we have for consoles now is so serious (GT, Forza, DriveClub, PCars, etc...) I wanna smash some stuff lol
I've had a lot of home computers and consoles over the years, so there are many games I've not gone back to, though I do revisit many too. For me it would be some of the more obscure games I owned for my ZX Spectrum. There were a few games over the years I just never really got though, which other people seemed to really like, but I left them alone since my first experiences of them. This would include Ridge Racer Revolution and Metal Gear Solid on the Playstation, though I've often thought about revisiting MGS.
F1 2001, doesn't run on anything higher than Windows XP, and I can't seem to find a way to get it to work now. I remember pretending the other people in the three-seater arrows were other people from me and my friend's family, and then crashing it. What a sadistic kid I was.

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Crash 'N' Burn was great. The whole soundtrack's on youtube somewhere. I'll see if I can find it.

Edit: Here it is:

Not ashamed to say I've played it recently.

It's undeniably arcade, but the gameplay is fun and varied, with some races having obstacles or pitting half the field in the opposite direction. Good times.
F1 2001, doesn't run on anything higher than Windows XP, and I can't seem to find a way to get it to work now. I remember pretending the other people in the three-seater arrows were other people from me and my friend's family, and then crashing it. What a sadistic kid I was.

I have F1 Challenge 99-02 (a later version of F1 2001) running on Windows Vista. If you right click on the shortcut icon and set compatibility mode to Windows XP, it can work. It's a bit glitchy at times (menu music cuts in and out) but it runs perfectly on track 👍
I'd say the original Pong, on the Magnavox, but we had a working Atari until the mid-80's, when we switched to the Nintendo. And our NEC and Apple ][Es lasted quite a while.

So, instead, I'll post this:

Parsec, on the Texas Instruments TI99... a game that, as far as I know, didn't get ported to any other console or computer.

Shout out to Conan, on the Apple ][E, though, a game that was awesome at the time, but didn't get the recognition it deserved (unlike games like Karateka and Lode Runner).

But for stuff I actually miss... Lode Runner, MW3, Zaxxon, Gran Turismo... whole bunch of stuff... since I'm not actively gaming anymore...
I have an old Atari 2600 (Not a knock off "Plug N Play", but a REAL one.) and a bunch of games my mom got when it was new. (E.T. for the Atari being one of them :lol:) I don't know which game has been untouched the longest. I do know due to the way the Atari was designed, we only had one TV that worked with it and that TV broke way back in 2004 and I haven't got to play any of my mom's games for it since sadly.

That is literally an entire console generation that has gone untouched for well over a decade! That is longer than any of the games I mentioned in my original post.
GTA SA, NFS Carbon, Burnout 1,2,3 and Revenge, Ford Racing 2, Enthusia, LA Rush, Midnight Club 2, Raceway Drag & Stock Racing, Evolution GT.
I haven't played those games since I got a PS3 back in 2009, so it's been about 7 years, will eventually buy those games again now that I've got a PS2 again, I never got that far in any of those games, the least of which was Midnight Club 2, I never got past the first race as I for some reason had no idea what I was doing :lol:.
GTA Liberty City Stories.
Spent plenty of time on that game, it was great fun, didn't really do many missions, just drove around a lot, haven't played it since around 2009/10.
Xbox 360:
PGR4, Forza 2, Test Drive Unlimited 1 Demo
Such fun games, haven't played them since 08/09 I had a white 360 which overheated so it got traded for a PS3, had such good times playing them games while I could, didn't get much time on them though, never bought the full game for Test Drive as I had only been getting into the demo when the Xbox started to overheat a lot.
Despite the wonky physics, it was a fun game just to cruise around on, problem is I never seemed to have much money and when you drove really fast (in a race for example :lol:) you would really notice just how bad the physics were, they felt like they were never actually fully developed, so eventually I sold the game for money towards a new one, last played it about 2013/14, want to play it again but don't see the point of buying it as I'm never around my PS3 anymore.
I will admit, I need to get back into playing some of my old favorites. Yes I still play the usual suspects (Burnout 3, Revenge, Paradise, NFSU2, Star Wars Battlefront II). But I remember playing games from my childhood that were fun for me, even if they weren't good review wise. Some notable examples include:

Burnout Dominator: for a non-Criterion made Burnout, it's really good. Burnout Chains came back, the cars look nice, and it's the final time we see some cars (Euro Circuit Racer comes to mind). I need to find another copy of this.

Ford Racing 3: I highly enjoyed this game for some reason. I'm not sure why. Maybe it was the obscure vehicles, maybe it was the soundtrack. Truth be told, I don't really know. It was fun though.

Sly Cooper (1&2): ok this is a series that I desperately need to get back into. Sly Cooper made alot of memories for me as a kid. The storyline behind it was top notch and the humor was great as well.

Seeing as I can't think of any other games at the moment (and the fact that I just mentioned Sly Cooper), I figured I'd leave everyone with this musical gem from Sly Cooper and the Thievious Raccoonus:

GT6, Black Ops 2, used to be my favourite games... Or at least until I got Forza, and Rainbow Six Siege, the quality is mind blowing compared to PS3. But I honestly haven't touched it since I got an Xbox :/
I found a great AtariST emulator online the other day and had a happy afternoon playing Carrier Command. You young'uns probably wouldn't like that iteration much... :D
Nascar Rumble

This game was amazing. I really enjoyed wrecking the drivers I hated as Jeff Gordon :lol:. I also liked the bonus cars you could unlock such as an RV or a Towtruck among others.

SOCOM: US Navy Seals

I absolutely loved this game. Admittedly, I didn't care much for the story but I loved the multiplayer to death. I couldn't be pried away from this game until SOCOM 3 but I still hopped on once in a while even though I was playing SOCOM 3 at the time.

Favorite Map? Desert Glory. Second Favorite? Frostfire.

Strider 2

Another great PS1 game. I remember it being extremely short (you can clear the game in an hour or less) but really satisfying. I liked the follow-up/reboot that released not too long ago but something about the new game, something I can't point to, just can't top what you did in Strider 2..

Ridge Racer Type 4

I don't care what anyone says. I believe this was the pinnacle of the Ridge Racer series. I enjoyed every story it told, every track there was and every car I could unlock. The music was fantastic, the course data menu was great, the final lap in the final race (Shooting Hoops) was the best thing ever.. I could go on. Ridge Racer V kept some of that magic but everything after that.. it's a shame.

Zone of the Enders

I originally recieved this back in '01 as a gift and didn't care for anything other than the MGS2 demo. Then I sat down and played the game. 10 year old me fell in love with this game and the me now still absolutely adores this game. Hell, I like this Hideo Kojima work more than his posterchild Metal Gear story. I really wish Enders Project wasn't canned.

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