What got you started?

  • Thread starter Hooligan
What got you guys interested in cars?

For me it wasn't this:

A few years ago, I took a trip to London. Short trip; 5 days; over Thanksgiving weekend (don't ask why). On day 3, we happened upon the Mclaren dealership bordering Hyde Park. Hey, let's check it out, I say. Sure, why not, my folks say. Nose almost pressed up against the glass, my dad thinks it would be a good idea to get a bit closer. Yeah, no problem, I say. So, just like at your average Volvo dealership, my brother and I walk right in. Hmm, one car, one desk, very clean place. Well, I guess there's only one car to "get closer to". Walk up, my brother sits down in the left passenger seat. What an odd layout, I think, with that center seat; let me try that seat. So I amble around to the other side, get one hand on the raised door, one foot halfway between the floor and the door sill, when some rather polite, well-dressed employee kindly tells me "I'm sorry, but only serious customers are allowed to touch the car."

So my brother clumsily gets out, having never been in a bucket seat of any kind before. We check out the fitted luggage set; check out the rear (I swear, I need photos to remind me what it looks like), and then amble our way back out, not at all disappointed. As soon as the door is closed, the same employee is there with a cloth, cleaning our grubby prints off the carbonfibre. Hmh, I think, at least I got a spec booklet (still have it). And that wasn't what got me into cars. My brother sat in an effin' MCLAREN (and, uh, I almost did), but cars had no more meaning to me than a school textbook.

What got me into cars was my first new car: 1997 Subaru Outback Sport. An Impreza wagon with near-Outback ride height. The clutch went bad (poor driving), and then bad again...and again...and again...over just 6 months. Sure, the first one was my fault, but the rest were due to an improperly lined-up-and-then-warped pressure plate (I think; maybe it was the flywheel). Such was the frustration that it drove me to learn about how cars worked. That led to a fascination with engines. Which led to a fascination with powerful engines. Which led full circle back to Subaru, having "discovered" the WRC circuit, and my first driver's car, the Subaru Impreza 2.5RS...which was totalled in 11 months by a overdrugged imbecile...which led to my current WRX. And yes, I busted that one, too. First gear synchro; a problem many new WRX owners seem to have. It's just too much fun. :D
What got me started was my dad...virtually from birth. We got a pic of me and my bro, I'm like a year old or less and my bro is 4 or so, and we are playing with hotwheels. It's impossible to not like cars when your dad works on them every day, even use to at home. I would always get a fender cover and lay on my back under a car watching my dad work. Saw engines come out of cars from Camry's to 929s to G20s(probably the hardest one, it had to come out the bottom of the car, my dad had the car almost on it's side(I was making sure that it didn't tip)and got the engine out on a transmittion jack), and I helped most of the time. I would also go to junkyards with him(before they made the 16 year old law thingy), picking up keys, emblems, and going though the glove boxes, consoles, and under the seats of tons of cars...I estimate that I've found at least $25 worth of change.

Now, it's a full time hobby, from prooving people wrong to teaching people right. The only regrets are that I haven't done enough.

And since I'm starting to drive, I'm going to get a car of my own, and hopefully will fix it up and make it the best I can with all of the factory parts I can. I'm looking forward to some good times.
Well I didn't get it off my parents, :lol:

Ever since I was a kid it was Toy Cars and Scalextric which got me started :D Anyone remember the Matchbox Cars?

I used to learn all the toy cars names off by heart and then if we went out I'd name every car that we drove past :gcar:
TOY cars when i was young

Then when i was 12 started going to the rallys in the U.K one of my mates friends was rally driver in the amatuer leaques at the time..
he took me and a friend round on of the courses in scotland in his souped up Opel Manta GTE rally spec it was very nice indeed ..the car was nothing compared to the world rally class cars but for a 12 year old it was the biz

Ever since im right into cars
Originally posted by alexy2k
Well I didn't get it off my parents, :lol:

Ever since I was a kid it was Toy Cars and Scalextric which got me started :D Anyone remember the Matchbox Cars?

I used to learn all the toy cars names off by heart and then if we went out I'd name every car that we drove past :gcar:

ha ha ha ha :lol: i remember those i had hundreds of them i could not pass a toy shop without getting one
i can also remember carrying then around in a carrier bag the thing was that heavy with all the cars it would scrape along the ground resulting in me losing loads of my prize matchbox vehicles :D
Originally posted by alexy2k
Well I didn't get it off my parents, :lol:

Ever since I was a kid it was Toy Cars and Scalextric which got me started :D Anyone remember the Matchbox Cars?

I used to learn all the toy cars names off by heart and then if we went out I'd name every car that we drove past :gcar:

Yeah thats about how I started to, my unkle is also a ford mechanic so thats why I kinda like my fords. He also gave me loads of F1 books which I wish I still had :( oh and I always used to watch F1 even though I didnt have a clue about what was going on mostly. And the naming of every car that passes by thing well I still do that now while IM driving "Look A SKYLINE!" I will say and then almost crash into it :lol:
I had Hot Wheels all my life. I still have toy cars too and sadly I still will play with them. This is what got me into the Auto world.

As for the import world it was when I was 12. My cousin took me and my bro to a Import show. I loved it from then on. I amit that the cars weren't really showing the stuff of today, mostly just engine mods not to many exterior.
Originally posted by Y2TUSCAN

Yeah thats about how I started to, my unkle is also a ford mechanic so thats why I kinda like my fords. He also gave me loads of F1 books which I wish I still had :( oh and I always used to watch F1 even though I didnt have a clue about what was going on mostly. And the naming of every car that passes by thing well I still do that now while IM driving "Look A SKYLINE!" I will say and then almost crash into it :lol:

I also got started through toy cars. But what really got me into modifying cars is my next door neighboor. Even though i'm only fourteen, he treats me like an adult. He is a mechanic. He spends a lot of time with me and takes me to his Custom Parts/ Body Modification shop. I help him out (and get paid) there and now I am hooked on cars.

Oh yeah, I name every car that passes by too, but i will never have the chance to say "Look A SKYLINE" :(
my love for cars is like the real love (that come alone and never go)
actualy i'm a hot wheels colector i have like 400 maybe 500
all are closet in the original box.
also a few sets of tracks and ramps for a few of those
I played with Hot Wheels my whole life, but I never really became interested in cars until last year.:) It was my brother really, he's always been really into cars, and he got me interested.:P My grandpa may have helped too, he's big on cars, he owns a 1928 Ford Model A, and a 1923 Model T Convertible.:D:P Yeah, so that's my story and I'm stickin' to it!:P

Oh, and I have pics of my grandpa's cars, if anyone wants to see.;):P
Hello my name is Pupik, and I'm addicted to cars...

Hard to say when the addiction started, I guess I was about 5 when I played with Matchbox/Hot Wheels cars. Having a Big Wheel trike that could spin out was great fun. Washing my dad's RX-7 and later, a Mustang, and asking him what all the parts of the car were.

But what really set it off was a rainy day at summer camp (at my old elementary school) back when I was 11. One of the counselors (read: an 8th grader) had a book on exotic cars like Porsches, Ferraris, Mercedes, et cetera. But the car that really got me going was the Lamborghini Countach. For years, I figured that car was the one I wanted to own one day. Crazy styling, gull-wing doors, and a V12 engine. What a monster; the Diablo and Murcielago don't even come close. That was The moment

Reading dad's car magazines (a faithful subscriber to Road & Track as well as Car & Driver) over and over until the covers fell off. Watching auto racing with him, going to the Miami Grand prix. Drag racing, auto shows, the whole freaking lot! We'd go to dealerships, and check out the cars (okay, but not until I was 18 could I drive them).

This was way before the public's use of the internet, so I would bike to the library and chek out all the books on cars and racing and return them all late. I'd draw cars, and talk cars, settle debates about cars, and get detentions in school for reading about cars and races...I was that guy that alyas had a car mag to read on the bus or whatever.

I drove like a maniac in high school, and was quite the driver to avoid (not for having a fast car, but for pulling ridiculously unsafe manuvers in my Accord). I would leave for school 5 minutes before class and still make it on time. (Note: I don't drive like that anymore.)

And so on and so forth.
Originally posted by Y2TUSCAN

Yeah thats about how I started to, my unkle is also a ford mechanic so thats why I kinda like my fords. He also gave me loads of F1 books which I wish I still had :( oh and I always used to watch F1 even though I didnt have a clue about what was going on mostly. And the naming of every car that passes by thing well I still do that now while IM driving "Look A SKYLINE!" I will say and then almost crash into it :lol:

Cool :cool: Where does your Uncle Work for :ford:? What happened to your F1 Books Y2 Tuscan.

:lol: I saw an :nissan: Skyline R33 in the distance the other week... couldn't run fast enough to get closer :banghead:

Originally Posted by Duo17
I also got started through toy cars. But what really got me into modifying cars is my next door neighboor. Even though i'm only fourteen, he treats me like an adult. He is a mechanic. He spends a lot of time with me and takes me to his Custom Parts/ Body Modification shop. I help him out (and get paid) there and now I am hooked on cars.

Oh yeah, I name every car that passes by too, but i will never have the chance to say "Look A SKYLINE"

Sounds like a car enthusiats job you've got there? You must pick a lot up about tuning I bet? :smilewink
When I bought an issue of Auto Express while on holiday so I could see the '96 motor show and what it was all about. 1998, and I went to Birmingham, sorted, :D